I have landed at 584 airports in 44 states (and 3 provinces plus Mexico) during my twenty-eight years in general aviation. I wrote a cute little program that puts them in first-landing-date order.

     Weekend fliers often use a meal as an excuse to fly, renting an airplane and flying an hour each way to visit an airport restaurant. Because rental airplanes used to cost about U.S. $50 per hour, such trips and their associated restaurants are referred to as hundred dollar hamburgers.

     As a runner, I often do the hundred dollar hamburger without the cholesterol. I put on my cap, shorts, and shoes, add a shirt in cold weather, and fly to some remote airport to run a few miles. I have taken a few friends on these fly-and-run journeys and even have a pilot friend Andy who shared them with me. (That made it nice because each of us could fly one way.) I have put my running airports in red and the others in green.

     I don't remember when I started doing this, but for somebody who is both a runner and a pilot, it is an obvious way to combine the two hobbies. There was one time I combined them more closely than that, a time I was "ferrying" my airplane from one airport to another a short enough distance that I could run from one airport to the other. Clark Airport and Denton were twelve miles by road (almost two hours on a hot Texas Labor Day) and seven nautical miles by air (about ten minutes including takeoff and landing).

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     Airport N61 is COLTS NECK, NEW JERSEY (grass runway). 104 times from 1986 August 26 to 1988 December 11. My first flight was with Frank at Colts Neck and I learned to fly there. Before it became a golf course and housing development, Colts Neck was an "unimproved" grass strip (800m, 2500'). We used runways 25L and 25R (that stand for "lumpy" and "rough"). There was a special bumpity-bump-bump sound of a Colts Neck takeoff or landing. It was a wonderful place to learn to fly.

     Airport BLM is ALLAIRE, MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY. 169 times from 1987 February 14 to 1991 May 26. Monmouth County Airport, also called Allaire, was the big airport near Colts Neck, the place where we bought our fuel. The long runway (2100m, 7000') was more than ample for general aviation jets and student pilots landing with too much airspeed. Coming from a grass runway, the hard surface was more difficult at first. Allaire is a busy place and a political place--the owner, Mr. Brown, wanted things done his way and that way could vary from day to day.

     I remember one student-pilot trip from Colts Neck with Frank to get gasoline for our Cessna 150 trainer. We couldn't raise anybody on the radio, maybe they were all dead. Then we heard, "Lear jet Echo Charlie on final," and the dead awoke: Can we get you fuel? A taxi? A hotel room? Anything else? This was discrimination on the basis of poverty and there's nothing in the U.S. Constitution forbidding that.

     Airport ABE is ALLENTOWN-BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. Three times from 1987 March 14 to 1988 August 30. This was our standard first cross country flight from the New Jersey shore. It was far enough to be a navigation challenge for a student pilot and it required us to talk on the radio to approach, tower, and ground control.

     Airport N40 is SKY MANOR, NEW JERSEY. Six times from 1987 March 22 to 1997 March 22. A small airport in the middle of the state in a really pretty area. When we had an airplane with no working radio, Frank took me here on my second cross country.

     Airport N88 is DOYLESTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA. Four times from 1987 March 22 to 1989 December 24. Not too far north of Philadelphia, Frank introduced me to this airport on my no-radio cross country. It may amaze pilots with sophisticated instrument panels that you can fly and navigate by compass and looking out the window. Just don't try it inside a cloud, especially going a direction other than south.

     Airport 47N is KUPPER, NEW JERSEY. Five times from 1987 March 29 to 1989 July 12. Now called Central Jersey Regional, this airport was in an industrial area and often had difficult crosswinds.

     Airport RDG is READING, PENNSYLVANIA. Twice on 1987 March 29 and 1989 August 22. At the eastern edge of Pennsylvania's Appalachian Mountains, this airport has friendly controllers. I went to this airport on a student-cross-country flight on a day with "marginal" visibility. Frank wants his students to learn how to find their way when conditions are less than perfect.

     Airport AVP is WILKES BARRE-SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA. Five times from 1987 April 10 to 1989 May 21. My long student cross country was a bit unusual as it gave me a chance to have lunch with my cousin who was a student at Cornell. I stopped here on the way.

     Airport ITH is ITHACA, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1987 April 10. On my long student-pilot cross country, I met my cousin Dave, a college student at Cornell at the time, for lunch. The journey was two hours each way in a Cessna 152 over some beautiful countryside including the finger lakes.

     Airport N47 is POTTSTOWN MUNICIPAL, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1987 May 6. My last student-pilot cross country was an eight-airport tour of the Delaware Valley and southeastern Pennsylvania. This airport is near a large nuclear plant with big cooling towers.

     Airport N31 is KUTTSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA. Twice on 1987 May 6 and 1996 November 29. This small strip is just west of Allentown. There is a diner adjacent to the airport and the runway has a hump in the middle making it all-too-easy to become airborne prematurely on takeoff.

     Airport N87 is ROBBINSVILLE, NEW JERSEY. Four times from 1987 May 6 to 1988 January 16. Right off the New Jersey Turnpike near Exit 7A and Interstate 195, this airport was well marked with its own VOR on the field. (VOR stands for VHF omni range, an aviation navigational aid.)

     Airport N34 is TURNER, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1987 May 6. One of the many small strips in the countryside north of Philadelphia.

     Airport N10 is PERKIOMEN VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1987 May 6. Another of the many small strips in the countryside north of Philadelphia.

     Airport TTN is MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1987 May 6. A controlled field (with a landing fee when I landed there) just east of the Delaware River northeast of Philadelphia.

     Airport AWM is WEST MEMPHIS MUNICIPAL, ARKANSAS. Once on 1987 May 10. A few weeks before my private-pilot checkride I was in Memphis, Tennessee, for a friend's wedding. I had some time and I hired an instructor and rented an airplane from this airport. It was reassuring to have another flight instructor tell me my skills were up to snuff, a new flight instructor who did not know me from . . . . It felt like a big adventure to fly an airplane in hilly country, somewhere far away, somewhere unfamiliar.

     Airport 39N is PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY. 14 times from 1987 May 28 to 1996 November 23. Princeton Airport is not all that close to Princeton University, but I ran near it a few times on my longer runs when I was a student there. When I got my private-pilot license, I took a few fly-and-run trips there, one with Andy. The airport itself is on a busy highway, Route 206, but there are some quieter roads a mile or two away. This airport has an excellent airport shop with headsets, gadgets, books, and pilot trinkets.

     Airport 2N8 is MARLBORO, NEW JERSEY. 192 times from 1987 June 5 to 1997 April 26. I moved here when Allaire had one of its many political battles and closed for a few days. Rising terrain made eastbound take-offs on Runway 9 interesting and the short runway (650m, 2100') kept its pilots sharp. Marlboro had a nice restaurant and was a good running spot, good enough that I would park my car here on my way to work at Bell Laboratories at Holmdel and go for a run.

     Airport 3N6 is OLDBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY. Twice on 1987 June 5 and 1987 June 11. A short hop from Marlboro, this place was an airport, a drag strip, and a waterway all in parallel. I don't know of anybody landing on the wrong strip, but it sure looked likely to happen.

     Airport PAO is PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. Three times from 1987 July 1 to 1987 July 4. I went Out West for Tom's wedding barely after getting my private-pilot license, and I rented an airplane out of Palo Alto Airport near Stanford. Palo Alto's claim to fame is that it is the shortest (maximum 800m 2500') runway at a tower-controlled airport. Folks don't usually rent airplanes without a checkride and this one was a few hours of familiarization with the Bay area and its prevailing wind sheer. I took instruction with William Langeweische, son of Wolfgang who wrote Stick and Rudder. It's kind of funny because when I rent an airplane now that I have a little more experience, and far better flying skills, the checkride is just a landing or two. Still, I learned an awful lot from this experience.

     Airport LVK is LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA. Once on 1987 July 1. We did some landings here on my Stanford Flying Club rental checkride.

     Airport SQL is SAN CARLOS, CALIFORNIA. Once on 1987 July 3. We did some landings here on my Stanford Flying Club rental checkride.

     Airport O69 is PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA. Once on 1987 July 4. My friend Tom and I took off on a Fourth of July aerial tour of California north of the Bay area. Ever a fan of the "Peanuts" comic strip, I had to land here.

     Airport 1O2 is LAMPSON, CALIFORNIA. Once on 1987 July 4. Clear Lake is a beautiful spot in the California coastal mountains north of San Francisco.

     Airport CCR is BUCHANON, CALIFORNIA. Once on 1987 July 4. As Clear Lake did not have fuel on the holiday, I decided to fill the tanks here in Concord.

     Airport MMU is MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1987 July 15. When my friend Sam changed jobs from Bell Laboratories at Whippany to a position closer to home, Sam got a ride to work that day I flew here to meet him for his goodbye luncheon, and I flew him home.

     Airport MIV is MILLVILLE, NEW JERSEY. Twice on 1987 August 8 and 1988 January 17. The home of our automated flight service station (AFSS), the aviation weather people, it was at the southern tip of New Jersey.

     Airport 72N is MANAHAWKIN, NEW JERSEY. Five times from 1987 August 16 to 1989 October 1. This airport was enroute to the New Jersey shore, the closest airport to Long Beach Island. I remember it being a bare black strip in sandy soil with nobody around.

     Airport N12 is LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY. 12 times from 1987 August 16 to 1994 December 10. This airport is next to a circular dirt area carved out of the local flora for parachute jumpers. I never saw any skydivers, but the big brown circle made Lakewood easy to find. Because of the parachute landing area, the airport had a right pattern on one runway, not terribly unusual but enough to confuse a lot of student pilots.

     Airport 1B6 is HOPEDALE-DRAPER, MASSACHUSETTS. Once on 1987 August 23. I rented one of my student trainers and landed here to visit a high school buddy who taught at Wellsley. Surrounded by trees, it was immediately visible from directly above and not from anywhere else.

     Airport PNE is NORTHEAST PHILADELPHA, PENNSYLVANIA. 14 times from 1987 September 3 to 1996 November 29. With a good restaurant on the airport and my mother living nearby, this was a convenient airport to fly into.

     Airport N67 is WINGS, PENNSYLVANIA. Four times from 1987 September 3 to 1990 October 21. This airport is in Philadelphia's increasingly-fashionable west suburbs, right next to the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

     Airport LDJ is LINDEN, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1987 October 14. Surrounded by giant oil tanks, this airport is just a few miles south of Newark. I wouldn't want to miss the runway here or to lose engine power on takeoff.

     Airport N51 is SOLBERG, NEW JERSEY (HARD/SOFT). 39 times from 1987 October 14 to 1996 November 17. This airport was a pretty place to fly, near Round Lake reservoir. It had the additional attraction of being the nearest place where I could get 80 octane gasoline for my airplane. Most aviation fuel these days is 100 low lead, but even 100 LL has more lead than my engine was designed for, so I have used 80 whenever I could find it.

     Airport 1V5 is BOULDER, COLORADO. Twice on 1987 October 24 and 1988 October 26. This airport was my introduction to Rocky Mountain flying.

     Airport BJC is JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO. 17 times from 1987 October 24 to 1988 October 27. I did most of my Colorado flying out of this airport which we called "JeffCo." When I found out I was going to be doing some work in the Denver (Bell) Labs, I called some area flying clubs and one of them had an instructor who was willing to spend some time introducing a flatlander to the mountains.

     Airport RTN is RATON, NEW MEXICO. Twice on 1987 October 25 and 1988 January 5. My first cross-country flight through the front range of the Rockies was from Jefferson County to here.

     Airport N52 is SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1987 November 25. An airport in the center of New Jersey, northeast of Princeton and northwest of Marlboro.

     Airport 1N1 is BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1987 December 19. Famous for its Physics laboratory, this was a nice stopping point on our way from Allaire to Block Island.

     Airport ALS is ALAMOSA, COLORADO. Once on 1988 January 4. When I flew a Mooney 20B from Jefferson County to the Grand Canyon, I stopped here on the way west.

     Airport GCN is GRAND CANYON, ARIZONA. 16 times from 1988 January 4 to 2021 April 17. This airport is on the south rim. I have flown over it without landing many times from 2003 October 11 when I moved to Arizona.

     Airport N81 is HAMMONDTON, NEW JERSEY. Nine times from 1988 January 17 to 1990 September 17. When my airplane needed a top overhaul (my first annual inspection, an expensive experience), the work was done here and I made social visits to the folks who did the work.

     Airport N14 is FLYING W, NEW JERSEY. Six times from 1988 January 17 to 1990 January 14. This was the best $100 hamburger in New Jersey, a restaurant actually worth making a trip on its own merits. I took my mother here on her first trip in my airplane.

     Airport LVX is LEADVILLE, COLORADO. Three times from 1988 February 7 to 1988 March 6. The highest airport in North America (3000m, 10000', 700mb) they give a certificate for landing here. Ten thousand feet is high enough that the air is thin enough that the airspeed gauge and the visual appearance of speed are noticeably different on final approach. At Leadville (700 millibars) the airplane's true airspeed is about 15 percent faster than at sea level (1000mb) for the same indicated airspeed. It is important for a pilot to follow the airspeed gauge rather than visual clues as it indicates the amount of air flowing over the wings.

     Airport GUC is GUNNISON, COLORADO. Once on 1988 February 13. If I remember correctly, then the rectangular pattern of the westbound runway has a mountain in the middle so a pilot can't see the runway from the downwind leg.

     Airport TEX is TELLURIDE, COLORADO. Six times from 1988 February 13 to 2005 November 25. Welcome to the ski capital of the world, says the gentlemen greeting me on the radio. Famous for its abundant white powder (and its ski-friendly snow), this is the most spectacular airport I have visited. I think Telluride (2800m, 9100', 725mb) is the second highest airport in North America on a 9000' mesa over 6000' valleys amid 14000' mountains.

     Airport 7V1 is BUENA VISTA, COLORADO. Once on 1988 February 13. An airport in the same large valley as Leadville and Salida near Mount Harvard, Mount Yale, and Mount Princeton.

     Airport 2V2 is LONGMONT, COLORADO. Twice on 1988 February 14 and 1988 May 27. A nice, quiet, uncontrolled airport not too far from JeffCo, a good place to practice landings.

     Airport GNB is GRANBY, COLORADO. Once on 1988 March 6. I think this (2500m, 8200', 750mb) is the third highest airport in North America, just over the front range from Boulder.

     Airport EGE is EAGLE, COLORADO. Once on 1988 March 6. We got the red-carpet treatment when I landed here with a JeffCo-based student pilot. The lineman came out with chocks in one hand and a square meter of red carpet that he placed under the wingstep of our rented Comanche.

     Airport CAG is CRAIG, COLORADO. Once on 1988 March 9. Another lovely mountain airport in Colorado.

     Airport Q31 is MINERAL COUNTY MEMORIAL, COLORADO. Once on 1988 March 9. This was a seriously unattended airport. Not only was there nobody in an office, I did not see a telephone or anyplace likely to be inhabited within an easy walk.

     Airport ASE is ASPEN, COLORADO. Three times from 1988 March 9 to 1988 June 1. Another place famous for white powder (and snow), this place is nestled in a high-altitude deep valley. They only allow landings to the south and takeoffs to the north because of the high terrain to the south. We had a stiff tailwind on a hot day and it took our Cessna 182 every bit of the runway (2100m, 7000') to get airborne.

     Airport RIL is GARFIELD, RIFLE, COLORADO. Once on 1988 March 9. Yet another spectacular mountain airport.

     Airport 26N is OCEAN CITY, NEW JERSEY. Six times from 1988 April 17 to 1996 May 19. This is a Jersey-shore airport a few hundred meters from the beach, a pleasant run along the boardwalk, about 8 Km, 5 miles, out and back.

     Airport N68 is CHAMBERSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1988 April 23. I took a friend here for a family wedding and I had to scurry home before the festivities to beat some weather moving in from the west.

     Airport 0W3 is HARFORD COUNTY AIRPORT, MARYLAND. Twice on 1988 May 1 and 1989 April 23. A little airport not too far from Baltimore.

     Airport N92 is SUMMIT AIRPARK, DELAWARE. Once on 1988 May 1. An airport along a canal. A friend of mine was experimenting with uncoordinated turns from the right seat, making turns one way while banking the other way. I suggested that it might not be such a good idea and we stopped here to buy some anti-airsickness pills for him.

     Airport N44 is ROBERT J. MILLER, NEW JERSEY. 13 times from 1988 May 8 to 1990 September 28. This airport is far from just about anything, closer to Toms River, New Jersey, than just about anything else. It has an Instrument Landing System (ILS) on its eastbound runway. This is good for real instrument flying since the wind usually comes from the east in bad weather. It is not so good for practice instrument flying since the wind usually comes from the west in good weather and the practice landings end up the wrong way, in the downwind direction.

     Airport 48V is TRI-COUNTY, COLORADO. Twice on 1988 May 30 and 1988 June 1. This was another quiet airport near JeffCo, a good place to practice landings.

     Airport 4N1 is GREENWOOD LAKE, NEW JERSEY. Twice on 1988 June 5 and 1996 November 17. This is a pretty airport north of New York City.

     Airport 4B2 is RIVERSIDE, NEW YORK STATE. Three times from 1988 July 2 to 1989 May 21. When I visited my cousin in Utica (the same cousin I saw in Cornell on my long student cross country) we rented a Cessna 172 and flew from there to Scroon Lake.

     Airport 4B7 is SCHROON LAKE, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1988 July 3. My cousin and I flew here from Riverside in Utica. The final approach we took was down a steep enough hill that we were skimming the treetops all the way down.

     Airport LHV is LOCK HAVEN, PIPER MEMORIAL, PENNSYLVANIA. Twice on 1988 September 11 and 1989 August 27. I went to two Piper fly-ins in my Cherokee. They were supposed to be Piper Cub fly-ins, but they let the newer Piper aircraft join them. (I may even have seen a Cessna or two.) The fellow who used to own my airplane bought a much-faster Arrow and the two of us left for Lock Haven about the same time. He filed IFR (an instrument flight plan using air traffic control) and climbed fairly high (1800m, 6000', 800mb) and faced a stiff headwind (70 km/hr, 40 knots) while my friend and I stayed low in the valleys. It took us fifteen minutes less time because we avoided the wind.

     Airport 46N is SKY PARK, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1988 October 9. Close to Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome where a friend and I went to see the airshow.

     Airport LNS is LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA. Twice on 1988 October 14 and 1990 November 25. The airport restaurant had food worthy of its location in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, the Amish country. This airport is the home of the Sensenich propeller company where I replaced mine which looked like a dog had chewed it.

     Airport 37PA is SMOKETOWN, PENNSYLVANIA (grass runway). Twice on 1988 October 14 and 1990 November 25. A small grass strip near Lancaster, there were a lot of interesting old airplanes here.

     Airport CGS is COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND. Four times from 1988 October 16 to 1996 November 3. Founded in 1909, they say this is the oldest continuously-operating airport. A friend and I flew here a few times to visit Washington, D.C. I came here once to see some friends from eastern Europe who were visiting our nation's capital and I took them up for a brief airplane ride. Now this airport is buttoned up tight for national security reasons.

     Airport 3V6 is CRESTED BUTTE, COLORADO. Once on 1988 October 21. In the heart of Colorado's Rocky Mountains, this airport offers scenery to die for. With a fairly short strip amid some big hills, it takes good stick-and-rudder skills not to die for it.

     Airport 2V1 is PAGOSA SPRINGS, COLORADO. Once on 1988 October 23. A valley airport in the Rocky Mountains.

     Airport CYS is CHEYENNE, WYOMING. Once on 1988 October 27. This was my last flight from my Denver-Labs days out of JeffCo and it was too windy in the mountains, so I flew north here and back south where I could enjoy the view.

     Airport 1N7 is BLAIRSTOWN, NEW JERSEY. Five times from 1988 December 4 to 1996 October 13. Next to the Delaware Watergap and nestled into the ridgeline, this airport offers a decent $100 hamburger along with the view.

     Airport ISP is MACARTHUR, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1989 February 11. This is Long Island's airline terminal. I visited a friend living near there.

     Airport MPO is POCONO MOUNTAIN, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1989 March 19. I stopped here on my way to a friend's wedding in Scranton when the weather was bad. From the south side of the Deleware Watergap, I could see New York City, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City. On the north side, less than a minute later, it was a mile visibility (or less!) in snow. I landed here to wait for better weather.

     Airport 1W2 is BAY BRIDGE, MARYLAND. Once on 1989 April 23. A small airport right on the edge of Chesapeake Bay.

     Airport W29 is BALTIMORE AIRPORT, MARYLAND. Once on 1989 April 23. A small airport near Baltimore.

     Airport NY21 is FREEHOLD, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1989 May 21. A small airport where I stopped to wait for a cold front to pass on my way to Riverside to visit my cousin in Utica.

     Airport YNG is YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. Twice on 1989 June 8 and 1989 June 11. I stopped here on my way to my cousin's wedding in Chicago.

     Airport CGX is MEIGS, ILLINOIS. Twice on 1989 June 8 and 1989 June 11. When a cousin got married near Evanston, Illinois, I couldn't resist a chance to fly into this classic airport. I felt I already knew my way around as this is the first airport in the early flight simulators for personal computers. In true Chicago politics fashion, when they couldn't close this airport legally, the mayor had crews destroy it in the middle of the night.

     Airport SEG is PENN VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1989 July 9. Selinsgrove is just about the exact center of Pennsylvania.

     Airport N38 is GRAND CANYON STATE, PENNSYLVANIA. Three times from 1989 July 9 to 1996 June 16. What a wonderful view! This airport sits at the north end of the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, a more intimate experience than Arizona's like-named formation. It is near New York State, north of the town of Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania.

     Airport N74 is PENNS CAVE, PENNSYLVANIA. Four times from 1989 July 9 to 1996 October 13. Penns Cave is a local attraction with regular boat tours and an airport nearby. On one occasion, I brought a runner friend with me, we saw the cave and ran eight miles on the local two-lane highway.

     Airport CXY is CAPITAL CITY, PENNSYLVANIA. Twice on 1989 July 15 and 2010 May 31. I took my mother here on her second trip in my airplane to visit my cousin who lives in Camp Hill.

     Airport N37 is MONTICELLO, NEW YORK STATE. Twice on 1989 July 23 and 1996 May 25. A pretty airport in the Catskills.

     Airport N17 is CROSSKEYS, NEW JERSEY. Four times from 1989 August 18 to 1990 September 17. Crosskeys was the other airport in New Jersey where I could get 80 octane gasoline for my airplane.

     Airport CRG is CRAIG, FLORIDA. Twice on 1989 September 15 and 1989 September 16. I was going to fly to Jacksonville, Florida, for a friend's wedding. The weather was not cooperative and I ended up on the Interstate 95 highway instead of the Victor 1 airway. When I got there, I rented a Cessna 150 here and flew with one of the other wedding guests.

     Airport X47 is FLAGLER COUNTY, FLORIDA. Once on 1989 September 16. I landed here on my mini-tour of northeast Florida.

     Airport SGJ is ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. Once on 1989 September 16. I'm told St. Augustine is the oldest town or settlement or something in North America.

     Airport 57A is RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Once on 1989 September 18. On my way back from Florida to New Jersey, I stopped to visit a friend in western North Carolina. I rented an airplane here to see some of the Smoky Mountains.

     Airport 9A9 is MARION, NORTH CAROLINA (grass runway). Once on 1989 September 18. As the Smokies lived up to their name, too hazy to fly, we ended up landing here on my flight from Rutherfordton.

     Airport N07 is LINCOLN PARK, NEW JERSEY. Nine times from 1989 November 12 to 1996 November 16. One of the best $100 hamburgers in the New York Bight and its surrounding territory, this airport is nestled in hills of central New Jersey. From Marlboro, I used to fly up the Hudson River corridor to see New York City up close, land and eat here, and fly home through the scenic mountains. (Well, we called them "mountains" in New Jersey.)

     Airport CDW is ESSEX, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1989 November 19. One of the reliever airports for New York City.

     Airport N05 is HACKETTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY. Twice on 1989 November 19 and 1990 November 11. A small airport with a short landing strip in the northwest part of the state.

     Airport 1N4 is WOODBINE, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1990 February 11. An airport in the flat marshes south of Philadelphia.

     Airport WWD is CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1990 February 11. This is the south end of the Jersey shore.

     Airport 9N1 is VANSANT, PENNSYLVANIA (grass runway). Once on 1990 February 18. A busy, fun grass strip north of Philadelphia, home of many old airplanes and gliders.

     Airport N85 is ALEXANDRIA, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1990 February 18. A small airport in northwest New Jersey.

     Airport W32 is HYDE FIELD, MARYLAND. Once on 1990 March 4. An airport near Baltimore.

     Airport N27 is TOWANDA, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1990 April 22. A small airport in the northeast part of the state.

     Airport N30 is CHERRY RIDGE, PENNSYLVANIA. Four times from 1990 April 22 to 1996 December 22. A beautiful airport northeast of Scranton with a terrific view and terrible food. I never had a problem, but a friend of mine got sick after eating the greasy food.

     Airport IPT is WILLIAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA. Twice on 1990 April 22 and 1991 May 26. If memory serves me correctly, my Lycoming engine was made here in the middle of the state.

     Airport BID is BLOCK ISLAND, RHODE ISLAND. Three times from 1990 August 12 to 1996 July 28. I'm pretty sure I landed here more than thrice. Maybe I forgot to log some of my flights here. Block Island, officially known as New Shoreham, is an island about 10 Km, 6 miles, long about 20 Km, 12 miles, east of Montauk, Long Island. It is a pretty place with a nice airport (no fuel available), a nice place to visit, to eat, to bicycle, or to run.

     Airport MDT is MIDDLETOWN, PENNSYLVANIA. Three times from 1990 August 31 to 1990 September 2. When my cousin got married in Camp Hill, I flew my sister to the wedding and we landed here.

     Airport AIY is BADER FIELD, NEW JERSEY. Once on 1990 September 17. The airport closest to Atlantic City's casinos, I came here to have work done on my airplane radios.

     Airport N66 is ONEONTA, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1990 October 7. Amid the fall foliage, this airport is not too far from the Finger Lakes.

     Airport 76N is TUNKHANNOCK, PENNSYLVANIA. Four times from 1990 November 4 to 1996 December 22. One of my favorites, this is nestled in the Susquehanna River valley northwest of Scranton. I have stopped here on the way to the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania and on my way from Lake Elmo, Minnesota, to Republic on Long Island. One time a running-pilot friend of mine joined me here and, as we were working our way up, wondered aloud whether we would encounter a lot of hills. Looking 500m, 1600', up to the top, together we said, "just one."

     Airport W05 is GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1990 November 25. My running-pilot friend and I came out here. We encountered a stiff headwind coming west to get here and this was my first $100 fillup in my airplane. Our run was windy as well and we saw quite a few civil-war relics from the roadway.

     Airport 3N5 is NEWTON, NEW JERSEY. Twice on 1991 January 1 and 1996 November 23. I came up here to run in the hills of north New Jersey. This area is very pretty, but the airport area was bounded by some annoyingly-busy highways.

     Airport 12N is AEROFLEX-ANDOVER, NEW JERSEY. Twice on 1991 January 1 and 1996 November 23. Another airport in west-central New Jersey.

     Airport HYA is HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS. Once on 1991 February 3. A friend and I came here to Cape Cod for some clam chowder. There were pictures of Kennedy family members hanging in the restaurant.

     Airport 69N is SLADINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1991 February 24. A small airport I don't remember very well. My runner-pilot friend flew here and I flew home.

     Airport HAN is HANSCOM FIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. Once on 1991 March 9. A friend of mine was in Boston for a while and I visited him here.

     Airport HLG is WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA. Once on 1991 May 26. On my way from New Jersey to Minnesota our first stop was here.

     Airport DAY is DAYTON, OHIO. Twice on 1991 May 26 and 1991 May 27. On my way from New Jersey to Minnesota with a runner friend I stopped in Dayton for the night, a chance to see my cousin who was living there. While all three of us went for a run in the rain while we waited for the weather to improve, we did not run from the airport itself.

     Airport MSN is MADISON, WISCONSIN. Once on 1991 May 27. We stopped here for fuel on my trip from New Jersey to Minnesota.

     Airport MSP is MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (TOWER and CLASS-B). Once on 1991 May 27. Actually, I only landed here once for real and the other five landings were in the Boeing 727 simulator. I parked my car here and took an airline flight to New Jersey. I dropped my friend here with my car keys and he drove while I flew out to Lake Elmo on a toasty afternoon. I spent about fifteen minutes waiting on the hot tarmac behind a long line of DC-9s. (Actually, the guys in the tower had mercy and tried to get me out sooner but I wasn't ready for takeoff yet.)

     Airport 21D is LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA. 117 times from 1991 April 28 to 1996 March 27. I kept my airplane here for nearly five years, a well-kept airport with two perpendicular runways. They had 80 octane fuel in those days, very nice for my engine.

     Airport OEO is OSCEOLA, WISCONSIN (HARD/SOFT). 17 times from 1991 June 23 to 1995 September 7. Very close to Lake Elmo, this airport also was a nice running spot.

     Airport 54Y is RUSH CITY, MINNESOTA. Four times from 1991 June 23 to 1994 July 10. Following the St. Croix river north of Stillwater is a lovely flight and this is a nice stopping place.

     Airport GTG is GRANTSBURG, WISCONSIN. Three times from 1991 June 23 to 1995 February 25. A small airport in Wisconsin.

     Airport CBG is CAMBRIDGE, MINNESOTA. 10 times from 1991 August 11 to 1995 June 10. I had a friend living up here and I got my airplane painted here by Jimbo's Flying Colors. The scheduling was lousy, four months later than promised, but the work was excellent. A decade later, my airplane still looks wonderful.

     Airport BRD is BRAINERD, MINNESOTA. Four times from 1991 August 11 to 1994 December 25. A good friend of mine has family here, so we flew up here a few times. Northern Minnesota is cold in the winter.

     Airport 19D is MORA, MINNESOTA. Four times from 1991 August 11 to 1995 October 1. A friend of mine was staying with in-laws here and I visited them, and I ran the flat prairie road from here.

     Airport RGK is RED WING, MINNESOTA. 17 times from 1991 September 1 to 1995 September 23. One of my favorite running places, this airport was actually on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River. The road I ran went about a mile north until it reached the hills and wandered through rolling hills. There was a dirt road that formed a nice loop of five or six miles. One fine autumn morning I did a 34 Km, 21 mile run and noticed a lot of guys wearing orange jackets in pickup trucks. It was the first day of deer-hunting season and you gotta be careful of those deer. They're clever, they dress up in running clothes and run down the highway so you have to shoot them fast before they fool you. While I didn't get shot, I heard a lot of gunfire that morning.

     Airport RNH is NEW RICHMOND, WISCONSIN. Twice on 1991 September 1 and 1992 December 26. A small-town airport with the high school mascot on the water tower.

     Airport ANE is ANOKA, MINNESOTA. Twice on 1991 September 15 and 1995 April 29. A very nice, large airport at the north end of the twin cities.

     Airport AIT is AITKIN, MINNESOTA. Twice on 1991 September 29 and 1993 October 3. Both time I went up here to run it was very windy.

     Airport 43F is LITCHFIELD, MINNESOTA. Four times from 1991 November 24 to 1995 July 22. I ran here a few times around Lake Ripley, once on a cold and windy winter morning. From the web, it appears the new identifier for this airport is LJF.

     Airport FBL is FARIBAULT, MINNESOTA. Once on 1991 December 1. One day I decided to fly south, maybe even into Iowa, but this is as far as I got.

     Airport AHH is AMERY, WISCONSIN. Three times from 1992 January 11 to 1993 April 17.

     Airport RIE is RICE LAKE, WISCONSIN. Once on 1992 January 11.

     Airport UBG is CUMBERLAND, WISCONSIN. Twice on 1992 January 11 and 1994 December 31.

     Airport 8Y2 is BUFFALO, MINNESOTA. Once on 1992 March 15.

     Airport PNM is PRINCETON, MINNESOTA. Twice on 1992 March 22 and 1992 April 28. I have a friend from Princeton University who decided to see all twenty-five of the towns named Princeton in the United States. This is the only one I visited besides the one in New Jersey.

     Airport FCM is FLYING CLOUD, MINNESOTA. 11 times from 1992 May 2 to 1995 May 29. The same friend who has family in Brainerd lives near here, so we shared flights from this airport.

     Airport Y12 is AIRLAKE, MINNESOTA. Twice on 1992 June 25 and 1993 May 31.

     Airport ONA is WINONA, MINNESOTA. Three times from 1992 June 27 to 1995 July 28. This is a really pretty place where the Mississippi River meanders around a whole lot of small, green islands.

     Airport SLC is SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Once on 1992 July 18. When I visited some friends out there, I rented an Cessna 182 and we toured central Utah.

     Airport PVU is PROVO, UTAH. Once on 1992 July 18. When I rented the airplane out of Salt Lake City my friends and I got as far south as here.

     Airport SUW is BONG, WISCONSIN. Once on 1992 July 26. This airport is right near Duluth at the end of Lake Superior.

     Airport RZN is BURNETT COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Once on 1992 November 26.

     Airport D97 is SOUTH SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. Once on 1992 November 27. I considered keeping my airplane here when I moved to Minnesota. It is not that busy, but it is close to Saint Paul which is a busy airport.

     Airport STC is SAINT CLOUD, MINNESOTA. Once on 1992 December 20. I believe this is one of Minnesota's larger towns once outside of the twin cities.

     Airport FFM is FERGUS FALLS, MINNESOTA. Once on 1992 December 20.

     Airport BWP is STERN-WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA. Twice on 1992 December 20 and 1993 April 3. A pretty airport in the spring and a cold, snowy place in winter.

     Airport EAU is EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN. Once on 1992 December 27. With a friend working in the field of product marketing, I had to visit this place, even if it was only landing in the airport. Eau Claire is the testing place of many new retail products.

     Airport MSPs is MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (simulated). Five times from 1993 January 18 to 1995 March 20.

     Airport HCD is HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. Once on 1993 February 20.

     Airport 10D is WYNSTED, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport 23Y is MURDOCK, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport BBB is BENSON, MINNESOTA. Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport 1D1 is MILBANK, SOUTH DAKOTA. Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports. Landing here I visited my fiftieth state in the United States and I went for a run here to celebrate.

     Airport VVV is ORTONVILLE, MINNESOTA. Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport 00Y is KAPAUN-WILSON, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport ETH is WHEATON, MINNESOTA. Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport 8V6 is CLEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport 20Y is PILOTS COVE, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport D39 is SAUK CENTRE, MINNESOTA. Once on 1993 April 3. On this day I went on a local cross-country flight and landed twelve times at twelve airports.

     Airport SYN is STANTON, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1993 April 18.

     Airport 57Y is SANDSTONE, MINNESOTA. Once on 1993 July 20.

     Airport STP is SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. Once on 1994 February 26. When an associate flew in to meet me in his large twin, I met him here so he wouldn't have to land in Lake Elmo with its shorter runways.

     Airport ATW is APPLETON, WISCONSIN. Twice on 1994 July 30 and 1995 May 6. I came here once to visit the Oshkosh air show of the Experimental Airplane Association (EAA) and another time with some friends to visit their friends here.

     Airport INL is INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MINNESOTA. Twice on 1995 January 28 and 1995 January 29. I came here to run the Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run, a 10Km, 6.2 mile race in the cold.

     Airport 62Y is TWO HARBORS, MINNESOTA. Once on 1995 July 9. One bright, sunny summer day I decided to fly up the north shore of Lake Superior.

     Airport D36 is SKY HARBOR, MINNESOTA. Once on 1995 July 9. One bright, sunny summer day I decided to fly up the north shore of Lake Superior.

     Airport 58Y is SILVER BAY, MINNESOTA. Once on 1995 July 9. One bright, sunny summer day I decided to fly up the north shore of Lake Superior. I went for a run here hoping for some lakeside cliff views.

     Airport OLG is SOLON SPRINGS, MINNESOTA. Once on 1995 July 9. One bright, sunny summer day I decided to fly up the north shore of Lake Superior.

     Airport 7Y7 is A.R.S, MINNESOTA (grass runway). Once on 1995 July 22.

     Airport BCK is BLACK RIVER FALLS, WISCONSIN. Once on 1995 July 28. I went for a run here, in the middle of nowhere, on a warm afternoon. When I left, there was a family getting together for a big-reunion picnic party and I was kind-of hoping that, when I got back from eight warm, sunny miles, they would be celebrating and would offer me a soft drink. Maybe they were only using the airport as a meeting point and the party was at a nearby tavern or something, but there wasn't a lot nearby.

     Airport Y53 is RIVER FALLS, WISCONSIN (grass runway). Once on 1995 July 28.

     Airport WI17 is BLAIR, WISCONSIN (grass runway). Once on 1995 July 28.

     Airport SBN is SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Twice on 1996 March 27 and 1996 March 28. My friend and I stopped here after doing the Chicago skyline tour along the lakeshore when we were moving my airplane from Minnesota to Long Island.

     Airport 62D is WARREN, OHIO. Once on 1996 March 28. On the way from Minnesota to Long Island we stopped here.

     Airport 11D is CLARION, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1996 March 28. When some clouds were moving in from the north, we landed here on the way from Minnesota to Long Island to check out the weather.

     Airport FRG is REPUBLIC, NEW YORK STATE. 53 times from 1996 March 28 to 1997 April 26. I kept my airplane here for a while. This is a busy airport, the third busiest general aviation airport in the United States, they tell me. I met the folks in the control tower one of whom has become a friend. He only talks like the guy in the Federal Express commercial when he's on the radio with a million airplanes on a Sunday afternoon.

     Airport N82 is WURTSBORO, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1996 May 25. A pleasant airport in the countryside.

     Airport MTP is MONTAUK POINT, NEW YORK STATE. Twice on 1996 May 27 and 1996 June 2. At the tip of Long Island, the last land before the 20 Km, 12 miles, of water to Block Island.

     Airport DXR is DANBURY, CONNECTICUT. Once on 1996 May 29. A pretty airport buried in the Connecticut hills.

     Airport 44N is SKY ACRES, NEW YORK STATE. Three times from 1996 July 7 to 1996 December 8. A pretty place to land and an every prettier place to run. The airport is at the top of a hill so runs from here end uphill.

     Airport HTO is EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK STATE. Once on 1996 July 28. This airport is in the fashionable, expensive, and otherwise unredeeming part of Long Island.

     Airport FOK is THE GABRESKI, NEW YORK STATE. Four times from 1996 July 28 to 1996 October 15. I had some guys here doing work on my airplane after I had spent far too much for too little with a big shop at Republic. These guys had a good attitude and were willing to fly me back and forth, but didn't seem to have the KWTFTD (Knowing What The F*** To Do) it takes to fix things. Between the two shops, I spent about US $1700 to fix the wiring in my intercom until I took it to Three Crowns in Sussix where Carl rewired the whole thing for about $200.

     Airport NJ02 is SALEM, NEW JERSEY (PRIVATE). Once on 1996 August 25. I came here to visit a friend who lived here.

     Airport MVY is MARTHA'S VINEYARD, MASSACHUSETTS. Once on 1996 August 31. Two friends and I came here for the day. We went into town and rented bicycles.

     Airport 1B2 is KATANA, MASSACHUSETTS. Once on 1996 August 31. When my friends and I were leaving Martha's Vineyard, we had to fly over Chappaquiddick and we landed on this grass strip right nearby.

     Airport N13 is BLOOMSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1996 September 14.

     Airport 23N is BAYPORT, NEW YORK STATE (grass runway). Once on 1996 October 27. A friend and I came here to see this place with all its wonderful old airplanes and to practice soft-field landings.

     Airport FWN is SUSSEX, NEW JERSEY. Three times from 1996 November 19 to 1997 January 18. This is a lovely airport in a beautiful area and it has a terrific avionics shop. When I had the work done on my intercom, I went for a 20 Km, 12 mile, run while I was waiting. The two-lane road is busy but has a nice, wide shoulder.

     Airport 7N8 is BUTTER VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1996 November 29. A small airport north of Philadelphia.

     Airport UKT is QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1996 November 29. Another small airport north of Philadelphia.

     Airport 9N3 is SEAMANS, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 1996 December 22. Yet another small airport north of Philadelphia.

     Airport MLB is MELBOURNE, FLORIDA. Four times from 1997 March 23 to 1997 July 13. When I went from Long Island to Fort Lauderdale for a job interview, they let me fly the twin-engine Cessna 335 over a layer of clouds (3000m, 10000', 700mb) with comet Hale Bopp on the right and a lunar eclipse on the left. We stopped here for fuel around midnight, they didn't have any available at that hour, and we spent the night at a local hotel. Yes, I took the job and I didn't regret it. Later, I flew here to visit a friend in Indialantic, Florida.

     Airport FXE is FORT LAUDERDALE EXECUTIVE, FLORIDA. 13 times from 1997 March 24 to 1997 July 27. When I took the job in Fort Lauderdale, I kept my airplane here.

     Airport PVG is HAMPTON ROADS, VIRGINIA. Once on 1997 April 26. When my friend and I brought my airplane from Long Island to Fort Lauderdale, I stopped here for fuel. When we got to Langley, the home of the Central Intellegence Agency (CIA), I asked my friend for the control tower frequency so we could continue our flight through their airspace. He leaned over and said, I could tell you, but I would have to kill you.

     Airport FFA is FIRST FLIGHT, NORTH CAROLINA. Once on 1997 April 26. How could I fly through this part of the country and skip this airport? I don't think there was a nice paved runway here when Wilber and Orville flew here almost a century earlier.

     Airport JZI is CHARLESTON EXECUTIVE, SOUTH CAROLINA. Once on 1997 May 4. My friend and I were supposed to get a 6:00 start for our trip to Florida to beat the forecast bad weather moving into our route of flight, but we didn't get off the ground until 10:00. We may have been late, but the weather came in right on schedule and we ended up stuck here. (My friend was flying the airplane when we landed here, so only the takeoff is in my logbook.) My friend and I drove to Fort Lauderdale and I came back a week later for the airplane.

     Airport SSI is MCKINNON, GEORGIA. Once on 1997 May 4. I landed here on my way from Charleston to Fort Lauderdale.

     Airport 09J is JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA. Once on 1997 May 4. I landed here on my way from Charleston to Fort Lauderdale. It's a pretty place and I meant to get back here when I moved to Atlanta, but I never did.

     Airport DED is DELAND TAYLOR, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 May 4. I landed here on my way from Charleston to Fort Lauderdale.

     Airport TNT is DADE-COLLIER, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 May 13. A friend and I were exploring south Florida and we decided to land at this airport deep in the Everglades. This is an enormous runway 5 Km, 8 miles, long so were were on final approach for what seemed like forever. What looked like five miles out was really fifteen miles. An airline-pilot friend of mine says he learned to land a Boeing 727 here. Needless to say, the short-field technique I learned at Marlboro and perfected at Clark and Mathis was not needed here.

     Airport LNA is WEST PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 June 7.

     Airport BCA is BOCA RATON, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 June 7.

     Airport X46 is OKA LOCKA WEST, FLORIDA. Three times from 1997 June 19 to 1997 June 27. I liked this airport for practicing landings. It had little traffic and few neighbors.

     Airport VRB is VERO BEACH, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 July 12. Like First Flight, this airport was a pilgrimage I had to make once in the neighborhood. My airplane was made in Vero Beach.

     Airport EYW is KEY WEST, FLORIDA. Twice on 1997 July 23 and 1997 July 24. The furthest south I have flown my airplane, Key West is a popular tourist spot, even on a weeknight, even off season. Even in the muggy heat, I did run ten miles but from my hotel room, not the airport.

     Airport MAR is MARATHON, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 July 23. I landed here on my way back from Key West to Fort Lauderdale.

     Airport X12 is HOMESTEAD GENERAL, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 July 24. I landed here on my way back from Key West to Fort Lauderdale.

     Airport TAL is TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA. Once on 1997 July 27. When the visibility started to get bad on my way from Fort Lauderdale to Clark, Texas. I diverted here and waited for the haze to clear.

     Airport 12J is BREWTON, ALABAMA. Once on 1997 July 27.

     Airport PIB is HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI. Once on 1997 July 27.

     Airport JAN is JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI. Three times from 1997 July 27 to 2001 January 4. I landed here and spent the night on my way from Fort Lauderdale to Clark, Texas. My radio quit working and I got out of here using a handheld radio. I decided to end the day in Denton where they have a good radio shop.

     Airport 0M9 is DELHI, LOUISIANA. Once on 1997 July 28. I landed here on my way from Fort Lauderdale to Denton. Now I can tell my Indian friends I have been to Delhi.

     Airport DTO is DENTON, TEXAS. 17 times from 1997 July 28 to 2001 January 1. Since my radio was out, I came here instead of Clark on my long trip. I would practice takeoffs and landings here. I mark this airport as a running airport because I mixed my two hobbies in a unique way here. I left my airplane here for radio work when I arrived in Texas. When it was ready to go to Clark, I parked my car at Clark Airport, ran 18 Km, 11 miles, from Clark to Denton, and then flew the seven-nautical-mile trip back. This is the only time I have run and flown the same route.

     Airport 3TX6 is CLARK, TEXAS. 84 times from 1997 July 28 to 2003 October 3. I kept my airplane here while I lived in Texas. This is Mr. Clark's airport and he recently got his neighbors to vote on incorporating the area into its own jurisdiction, Clark, Texas, where Mr. Clark is the mayor. He used to call me "young man" and I used to call him "your honor." He used to teach people how to fly twin-engine airplanes for their multi-engine ratings from this 500m, 1600', strip. This was a lovely airport to run from, so I would park my car here on weekday mornings and run from here to avoid Justin's busy roads.

     Airport T67 is HICKS, TEXAS. Three times from 1997 October 5 to 1999 March 21. A local airport barely north of Fort Worth, a friend used to rent the Cessna 150 he used to own and sold to the operator here.

     Airport GLE is GAINESVILLE, TEXAS. Once on 1997 November 8.

     Airport FTW is MEACHAM, TEXAS. Five times from 1997 November 28 to 2003 October 4. This is Fort Worth's airport as Love Field (DAL) serves Dallas, both reliever airports for Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW). I used to pick up a friend here when we went flying.

     Airport 1F9 is BRIDGEPORT, TEXAS. Twice on 1997 November 28 and 1997 December 27.

     Airport 37K is FALCONHEAD, OKLAHOMA. Twice on 1998 January 24 and 1998 March 21. A nice airport right along the Red River. I don't know if this is the Red River Valley made popular in a folk song.

     Airport 1F1 is LAKE MURRAY, OKLAHOMA. 16 times from 1998 April 5 to 2000 August 7. This was one of my popular running spots with rolling hills, a pretty valley, and lake views in a 13 Km, 8 mile loop south of the airport.

     Airport 6R9 is LLANO, TEXAS. Once on 1998 April 7. I took a friend here to visit his friends.

     Airport 3R3 is AUSTIN EXECUTIVE, TEXAS. Once on 1998 April 7. This airport was in the center of Austin and I'm disappointed they closed it.

     Airport ADS is ADDISON, TEXAS. Once on 1998 April 7.

     Airport AUSx is MUELLER, AUSTIN, TEXAS. Once on 1998 April 18. This is the old Austin airport before they moved their airline operations to Bergstrom. In the same sort of idiocy that let them rename the new Denver airport (DIA) to the old identifier (DEN), they moved the AUS airport identifier from the old airport to the new one, so I used AUSx, with an extra X, for this one.

     Airport SAT is SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Once on 1998 May 17. I flew down here to meet a friend.

     Airport F44 is ATHENS, TEXAS. Once on 1998 June 20. I stopped here for charts and fuel when I was taking some work associates to Lafayette and Thibodaux.

     Airport LFT is LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA. Once on 1998 June 20. I took some work associates here when they were just getting started and still living here.

     Airport LA37 is THIBODAUX, LOUISIANA. Twice on 1998 June 20 and 1998 June 21. I took a fellow here, where he lived, when he was starting work with my company. Alas, he did not continue. While I ran from his home, I did not run from the airport, so it stays in green.

     Airport HQZ is MESQUITE, TEXAS. Once on 1998 June 21.

     Airport 21F is JACKSBORO, TEXAS. Seven times from 1998 October 24 to 2000 July 23. Near a small town on a lake, this airport is really quiet when they're not doing seaplane training. My first run here I ran past a house and then went 5 Km, 3 miles, out without seeing any sign of of animal life other than birds and a few insects. I saw no livestock, no cats, no chipmunks, nothing. Except for the dirt road and the fence, there were no signs of humanity, either, no houses, cars, or living people. There is also a lovely path around the lake with very few other travelers.

     Airport 0F2 is BOWIE, TEXAS. Four times from 1999 January 17 to 2000 April 9.

     Airport 51K is CEDER AIR PARK, KANSAS. Twice on 1999 February 6 and 1999 February 9. I visited a friend in Olathe here.

     Airport NVD is NEVADA, MISSOURI. Once on 1999 February 9. I couldn't resist adding Missouri to my list of aviation states, although the casual observer might think I had been to Nevada, too.

     Airport FWS is SPINKS, TEXAS. Once on 1999 June 6.

     Airport AUS is BERGSTROM, AUSTIN, TEXAS. Twice on 1999 June 6 and 1999 November 14. This is the new Austin airport as they shut down Mueller.

     Airport ACT is WACO, TEXAS. Once on 1999 November 21. I met a friend here and we went flying together.

     Airport 6F1 is TALIHINA, OKLAHOMA. Once on 1999 December 26.

     Airport 80F is ANTLERS, OKLAHOMA. Once on 1999 December 26.

     Airport F48 is NOTOMA, TEXAS. Twice on 2000 March 26 and 2000 June 18. I think there were some miniature canyons dug out by rivers on the way from Fort Worth to here.

     Airport F35 is POSSUM KINGDOM, TEXAS. Once on 2000 April 26. A friend and I flew here. I seem to recall they had a good restaurant nearby.

     Airport CSS3 is CEDERS, QUEBEC. Twice on 2000 June 7 and 2000 July 8. When I was working in Montréal, Québec, I decided to do some local flying. I rented a Cessna 172 from here.

     Airport CSD3 is VALLEY FIELD, QUEBEC. Once on 2000 June 7. A small airport not too far from Montréal.

     Airport CYCC is CORNWALL, ONTARIO. Once on 2000 June 7. On the way from Montréal to Toronto.

     Airport CSE4 is LA CHUTE, QUEBEC. Once on 2000 July 8.

     Airport CST3 is ST. LAZARE, QUEBEC. Once on 2000 July 8.

     Airport CYFJ is LA MACAZA, QUEBEC. Once on 2000 July 8.

     Airport 52F is NORTHWEST, TEXAS. Once on 2000 July 15. Considering this airport is so close to Clark, I'm surprised I only flew here once.

     Airport 2TX2 is John Parks in HICO, TEXAS (grass runway). Once on 2000 July 29. While I did not run from here, I flew here to run a race in Hico, Texas, with the Parks family as admirable hosts.

     Airport 50F is BOURLAND, TEXAS. Once on 2000 July 29.

     Airport F55 is GRANBURY, TEXAS. Once on 2000 July 29.

     Airport T58 is IRONHEAD, TEXAS (grass runway). Once on 2000 August 7. In the middle of ranches, this one was hard to find.

     Airport 3T4 is MUSTANG, TEXAS (grass runway). Once on 2000 August 13. I decided to do a tour of the small, soft strips north of Fort Worth.

     Airport 2T4 is HAYESPORT, TEXAS (grass runway). Once on 2000 August 13. I decided to do a tour of the small, soft strips north of Fort Worth.

     Airport T32 is SUDDEN STOP, TEXAS (grass runway). Once on 2000 August 13. I decided to do a tour of the small, soft strips north of Fort Worth.

     Airport PDK is PEACHTREE-DeKALB, GEORGIA. 61 times from 2000 December 20 to 2003 October 3. When I relocated to Atlanta, I kept my airplane here. It's a busy place, hectic on Sunday afternoons, but after flying out of Republic on Long Island, this place wasn't too bad.

     Airport 84A is MATHIS, GEORGIA. 15 times from 2001 January 13 to 2003 September 13. As 80 octane aviation fuel is not available in a lot of places including Atlanta, I got auto gas here. That means my takeoffs from this short strip (450m, 1500', with trees on a mesa) were with full fuel tanks. C. J. Mathis was always hospitable.

     Airport 9A1 is COVINGTON, GEORGIA. 11 times from 2001 January 20 to 2003 September 13. I ran from here several times. There is a road going northeast from the airport that goes through some cow pastures. A zig-zag for a minute or two on a busy highway takes me to a road over rolling hills into the countryside.

     Airport 47A is CHEROKEE, GEORGIA. Five times from 2001 February 2 to 2002 June 28. I ran from here a few times. After a round-the-airport tour, the road turns into a pleasant country lane.

     Airport WDR is WINDER, GEORGIA. Once on 2001 February 11. A friend and I landed here on a brief tour east of Atlanta.

     Airport VPC is CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Four times from 2001 March 11 to 2002 April 21. There is a nice running road not too far from the airport, but there was a fair amount of automobile traffic.

     Airport 1A3 is CAMPBELL, TENNESSEE. Twice on 2001 March 24 and 2002 November 2. This airport in Tennessee is a stone's throw from Georgia and North Carolina.

     Airport JZP is PICKENS, GEORGIA. Once on 2001 March 24. I ran from here once, but I found the roads fairly busy. Gilmer was the best of the airports in this area.

     Airport DKX is DOWNTOWN ISLAND KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. Once on 2001 April 14. I visited a friend here.

     Airport 1A5 is MACON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Once on 2001 May 27. I thought this would be a pretty place to run. It was, but the road was fairly busy.

     Airport 24A is JACKSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Once on 2001 May 27. I landed here after running at Macon County. Had I not run there, I might have parked the airplane and run from this mountaintop airport. There was a piece of the runway missing at the end.

     Airport 4R4 is FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. Twice on 2001 August 3 and 2001 August 4. I flew a friend down here for a family gathering. I joined one fun meal, stayed the night, and flew back home. While I was concerned about the Gulf coast weather the only marginal-weather parts of my round trip were in Atlanta.

     Airport RHP is ANDREWS-MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. Once on 2001 December 23. This was a run I meant to return to, but I never did. There was a road for miles along the bottom of a hill and I finished the run with two miles up-and-back-down a winding hillside road.

     Airport 49A is GILMER, GEORGIA. Nine times from 2002 January 12 to 2003 June 21. This was my favorite running airport from Atlanta. I only once saw another person at the airport, a fellow in a pickup truck. After turning left from the airport driveway, the country-suburban road turns rural with a series of rolling hills and lovely valleys. One glorious day here I did fifteen miles fairly hard through the fetching Georgia countryside. The country airport itself was seldom attended.

     Airport DNN is DALTON, GEORGIA. Twice on 2002 February 2 and 2003 June 21. Coming here is a pleasant side trip over some lakes and hills after running at Gilmer.

     Airport 4A4 is CORNELIUS-MOORE, GEORGIA. Once on 2002 February 16.

     Airport 9A0 is LUMPKIN COUNTY (WIMPY'S), GEORGIA. Once on 2003 February 2.

     Airport 46A is BLAIRSVILLE, GEORGIA. Once on 2003 February 2.

     Airport HSV is HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. Twice on 2003 May 25 and 2003 May 26. I ran the Rocket City Marathon here in Huntsville eight times, always arriving by airline or automobile. This time I was coming for the Cotton Row 10 Km, 6.2 mile, race. The flight from Atlanta to here goes over a ridgeline and a wide waterway.

     Airport 8A1 is GUNTERSVILLE, ALABAMA. Once on 2003 May 26. I landed here on my way back from Huntsville to Atlanta.

     Airport C22 is CENTRE, ALABAMA. Once on 2003 May 26. I landed here on my way back from Huntsville to Atlanta.

     Airport RYY is McCOLLUM, GEORGIA. Twice on 2003 July 12 and 2003 July 26. My airspeed gauge was acting up (actually acting down) and I took it here to get it tested and then replaced. Both times I went for a run from the airport, a nasty, busy four-lane highway for a mile or two until some nice side roads become available.

     Airport D73 is MONROE-WALTON COUNTY, GEORGIA. Once on 2003 September 13.

     Airport 1M7 is FULTON, KENTUCKY. Once on 2003 October 3. The first stop on my long trip from Atlanta to Scottsdale, I had only driven through a corner of Kentucky before, so I decided to add it to my list of aviation states here. This airport is at the very western end of the state and I went for a short run here. The folks here were very helpful when my starter would not engage afterward. One fellow figured out which reset button I had to press under my cowling to start my engine.

     Airport UCY is UNION CITY, TENNESSEE. Once on 2003 October 3. I stopped here on my journey from Atlanta to Scottsdale.

     Airport TKX is KENNETT MEMORIAL, MISSOURI. Once on 2003 October 3. I stopped here on my journey from Atlanta to Scottsdale.

     Airport M19 is NEWPORT, ARKANSAS. Once on 2003 October 3. I stopped here on my journey from Atlanta to Scottsdale.

     Airport TXK is TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. Once on 2003 October 3. I stopped here on my journey from Atlanta to Scottsdale.

     Airport MAF is MIDLAND, TEXAS. Once on 2003 October 4. After stopping at my old home in Clark, Texas, I picked up a friend at Fort Worth to finish my journey from Atlanta to Scottsdale. This was our first stop.

     Airport LSB is LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2003 October 4. My friend and I stopped here from Atlanta to Scottsdale.

     Airport SDL is SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA. 29 times from 2003 October 4 to 2004 July 11. I kept my airplane here for a while as I'm living in Scottsdale. They say it is the busiest single-runway airport and it has its busy moments with a vigorous mix of business jets and recreational pilots like myself. This airport is a few minutes flight from several mountain areas. High maintenance costs on the field and restrictions on morning takeoffs encouraged me to move my airplane to Deer Valley.

     Airport SEZ is SEDONA, ARIZONA. 87 times from 2003 October 11 to 2024 September 15. The mountain scenery here is spectacular and I defy any pilot to do his best landings with such a beautiful spectacle outside the window. The airport is on a mesa so my run here begins with a mile and half down a busy road and across a busy, commercial avenue and ends, of course, in reverse. Once I get to Soldier's Pass Road, the run is quite nice and there are some trails about 5 Km, three miles, from the airport that I have not yet explored. I have a video on Vimeo.

     Airport CMR is CLARK MEMORIAL, ARIZONA. Four times from 2003 October 11 to 2012 May 27. When I took my first flight over the Grand Canyon, I saw this airport on the chart and figured I had to land here because it has the same name as the airport in Texas where I kept my airplane. This was my first high-altitude takeoff (2000m, 6700', 790mb) in my own Piper Cherokee, a PA28-140. (CMR used to be P32.) More recently, I found a nice run to the north, away from the town of Williams and into the countryside.

     Airport PAN is PAYSON, ARIZONA. 112 times from 2003 October 18 to 2024 April 21. This is a friendly airport in a lovely valley. As of 2004 March I'm still exploring the running routes from the airport, but it appears that the road west offers more solitude than east. Like Sedona, this is a hilltop airport but with a much smaller return climb at the end of my run.

     Airport TUS is TUCSON, ARIZONA. 10 times from 2003 December 13 to 2020 March 21. My friend Jeff has close ties to Tucson so we have flown here a couple of times and I met some other friends staying in Tucson as a respite from Minnesota winter.

     Airport P13 is SAN CARLOS APACHE, ARIZONA. 26 times from 2003 December 20 to 2024 June 22. Nestled in the mountains near a mining town, this airport is just west of a terrific dirt road to the north with gentle hills and great views of the mountains.

     Airport P52 is COTTONWOOD, ARIZONA. Nine times from 2004 March 14 to 2023 June 24. I stopped here on the way back from Sedona and didn't think it was a running spot. My second trip I found Mingus Road that goes up the mountain with some good views. More recently I took a four-mile run with a thirteen-mile detour along Sycamore Canyon Road along the Verde River before taking the Verde Canyon Railroad. Check out my web page about it.

     Airport P48 is PLEASANT VALLEY, ARIZONA (gravel runway). Nine times from 2004 April 4 to 2016 January 30. Surrounded by a lot of open space, this is primarily a soaring operation with busy towplanes hauling gliders into the sky. The road west quickly turns to dirt and goes past a four-wheeler and dirt-bike area toward some local mountains.

     Airport BCE is BRYCE CANYON, UTAH. 33 times from 2004 April 16 to 2024 October 27. Flying myself to Bryce Canyon has been a holy grail of mine, taking my own airplane to one of the truly beautiful places in the world and seeing it from the air. I finally did it with the usual trials of flying into unfamiliar mountain country. (Click here for more about my trip to Bryce Canyon National Park.)

     Airport 00UT is CLEAR CREEK, UTAH (PRIVATE). Once on 2004 April 18. When I was coming home from Bryce Canyon there were clouds lower than I liked, I was not sure I was following the right road, I saw this private airport, and I landed here. Even though they weren't expecting company on their way home from church, the folks here were nice enough to point the way to Kanab.

     Airport KNB is KANAB, UTAH. 21 times from 2004 April 18 to 2022 October 3. I landed here and waited an hour for the clouds over the Grand Canyon to clear and had a wonderful chat with Dick. He does many things having to do with flying airplanes including sightseeing flights over the Grand Canyon. Among other things he told me the most scenic route home over the Grand Canyon.

     Airport E51 is BAGDAD, ARIZONA. 40 times from 2004 May 15 to 2022 April 10. This is a very quiet airport. It looks like Gilmer in that respect. The airport is on a mesa with wonderful views, a few strange-looking airplanes, and nobody around. I ran down Airport Road (it's always Airport Road), turned left and ended at a mine entrance. But there is a jeep road with a sign for "Coors Lake" on the right just before the mine entrance and that road goes for miles with canyon views.

     Airport 44E is FOREPAUGH, ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2004 May 15. When they say "unattended" in the airport directory, they really mean it, at least for this place. It's a dirt runway surrounded by farmland with U.S. Route 60 on the south side. I took a movie video of a fly-by there on 2009 March 28.

     Airport E25 is WICKENBURG, ARIZONA. 11 times from 2004 May 15 to 2024 August 24. This is a nice airport at the northwest corner of the Phoenix/Tucson valley, a gateway to the mountains.

     Airport E81 is SUPERIOR, ARIZONA. 16 times from 2004 May 22 to 2013 December 7. I didn't run from here the first time, but it looked like a nice, quiet running place. It's not an easy airport to leave as the takeoff run in the preferred direction (downhill) heads directly towards a big mountain. I came back five years later and went for a nice run south of the airport on dirt roads south and east to a paved road that winds south. There were good views of the Superstition Mountains all around.

     Airport E67 is KEARNY, ARIZONA. 15 times from 2004 May 22 to 2023 January 14. This is a nice airport at the southeast corner of the Phoenix part of the valley, a gateway to the mountains. A run from here is a run through the "sleepy little town" of Kearny.

     Airport IPL is IMPERIAL, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2004 May 30 and 2005 May 28. I stopped here and went for a run at an elevation of minus 56 feet on my way from Scottsdale to San Diego.

     Airport MYF is MONGOMERY, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2004 May 30 and 2004 May 31. When I came to San Diego to visit a friend I had not seen in several years, I put my airplane here for the night.

     Airport E63 is GILA BEND, ARIZONA. Twice on 2004 May 31 and 2010 April 10. I stopped here on my way back from from San Diego to Scottsdale. My plan was to run a few miles, but the airport is on a busy highway and it looked like a few miles to the next road. A path past the VOR (a round building with a pointy top) had a fence blocking it, so I gathered they did not want me running there. (VOR stands for VHF omni range, an aviation navigational aid.)

     Airport HII is LAKE HAVASU CITY, ARIZONA. 19 times from 2004 June 19 to 2018 November 24. Some friends of mine from Minnesota were visiting family here so I met them at this airport. The other family trip I made with them was a few years ago to Brainerd in wintertime, quite a contrast in temperature. Summer in Lake Havasu City is a bit warmer than the bone-chilling, teeth-chattering, goose-pimply weather we get in the Phoenix-Scottsdale valley. I took movie videos of my landing and takeoff there on 2009 March 28.

     Airport 49X is CHEMEHUEVI, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2004 June 20. I stopped here, just across the river from Lake Havasu City.

     Airport L50 is TUWEEP, ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2004 June 25. It's 12.5 Km (each way) from the airport to the Toroweap overlook on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. (This is an unattended airport in a lonely, desolate place (36 18.30', -113 3.90'), so don't go there expecting a lot of company.) The combination of being a pilot and a runner made it possible to make Toroweap overlook a day trip. The view from the rim is spectacular. (Click here for more about my trip to Tuweep International Airport.)

     Airport 40G is VALLE, ARIZONA. Seven times from 2004 June 25 to 2014 August 23. This airport is a nice fuel stop coming home from the Grand Canyon and there is a Planes of Fame museum on the field along with a neat old car and old motorcycle display.

     Airport DVT is DEER VALLEY, ARIZONA. 848 times from 2004 July 3 to 2023 December 1. I moved my airplane from Scottsdale to here because I was paying too much for maintenance and I got a "nastygram" for taking off before 6:00 in the morning. This is a busy place, but seems friendlier to small, piston-powered airplanes.

     Airport P08 is COOLIDGE, ARIZONA. 22 times from 2004 July 18 to 2024 October 5. Running from this airport was a pleasant surprise. The road from the airport had very little traffic when I was running on it and most of that was cattle. (The sight of somebody running along the road seemed to be the most excitement these cows had seen in a while.) There are mountain views north, east, and south with no hills near the airport itself.

     Airport L41 is MARBLE CANYON, ARIZONA. Four times from 2004 November 23 to 2016 May 14. On my way from Deer Valley to Canyonlands, I stopped in this little airport at the east end of the Grand Canyon. Near an arched bridge over the Colorado River, this looked like a pretty running spot. When I came back to run here I wasn't disappointed. I couldn't resist the temptation to run over the bridge ("rim to rim") and back, and then I followed Lee's Ferry Road north as its winds between rock columns that look like something from Monument Valley.

     Airport CNY is CANYONLANDS, ARIZONA. 55 times from 2004 November 23 to 2023 December 13. My vacation spot for the year 2004 was Moab, Utah, near Canyonlands and Arches National Parks. From Deer Valley, with a stop or two along the way, this was a four-hour trip with some spectacular scenery including Lake Powell.

     Airport U07 is BULLFROG BASIN, UTAH. Twice on 2004 November 26 and 2010 July 5. On my way back from Canyonlands to Deer Valley along Lake Powell, this was one of two quiet airports on opposite sides of the lake.

     Airport U96 is CAL BLACK MEMORIAL, UTAH. Once on 2004 November 26. On my way back from Canyonlands to Deer Valley along Lake Powell, this was the other of two quiet airports on opposite sides of the lake.

     Airport PGA is PAGE, ARIZONA. 20 times from 2004 November 26 to 2022 April 17. On my way between Deer Valley and Canyonlands where the Grand Canyon ends and Lake Powell begins, is this town of Page where I stop for fuel and to stretch my legs. On 2011 September 24 a bunch of us took a boat tour, so I used that as a chance to run the 12.9 Km (eight miles) from PGA to the Lake Powell Resort.

     Airport T03 is TUBA CITY, ARIZONA. Twice on 2004 November 26 and 2015 July 11. On my way back from Canyonlands to Deer Valley, I stopped at this quiet strip halfway between Page and Flagstaff.

     Airport 67L is MESQUITE, NEVADA. Five times from 2004 December 18 to 2015 September 20. On my way from Deer Valley to Kanab and Zion National Park, I stopped here to add Nevada to my list of aviation states and to see the west end of the Grand Canyon (photo array), Interstate 15 along the Virgin River (photo array), and Zion National Park (photo array) from my airplane. I did a short run from the airport (headwinds and leaving Phoenix late took the time that would have been there for a longer run) and the mile back up to the airport is a big hill.

     Airport AVQ is MARANA, ARIZONA. 19 times from 2005 January 2 to 2024 July 20. A pilot friend of mine was visiting his family north of Tucson and we met at this airport. When the Arizona Pilots Association (APA) met here, I came early and went for a run before the meeting.

     Airport MZJ is PINAL, ARIZONA. Once on 2005 January 2. When I visited my buddy at Marana, we went for a short flight and landed at this airliner graveyard, an uninhabited airport filled with old airline jets in various states of disrepair.

     Airport INW is WINSLOW, ARIZONA. Nine times from 2005 May 7 to 2022 September 17. This is the very same Winslow, Arizona, made famous in the Eagles song. While we didn't make it to the actual corner in the song on this trip, we flew over the meteor crater (much more impressive in real life than in the pictures) and landed at the airport. On a later visit a group of us did make it to the standing-on-a-corner park.

     Airport RNM is RAMONA, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2005 May 28 and 2005 May 29. My cousin whom I had not seen in twenty years lives in Julian, California, a lush, green area a few miles from stark desert. I landed in Ramona to visit him and his wife for a wonderful weekend.

     Airport L54 is AGUA CALIENTE, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2005 May 29. On the way back from Ramona, I couldn't resist setting down in this deserted desert airstrip.

     Airport AZ82 is MOGOLLON AIRPARK, ARIZONA. Seven times from 2005 June 18 to 2012 June 16. This is a private, residential airpark where they were nice enough to have a public fly-in breakfast. The food was good, the running was excellent, and the company was better.

     Airport P20 is AVI SUQUILLA, PARKER, ARIZONA. Three times from 2005 July 10 to 2016 November 5. A pretty dirt-road 5 Km route around the airport with views of rugged mountains in the distance made a nice two-lap 10 Km run. This is a hot place in the summer, so I got there just at sunrise to enjoy the scenery.

     Airport Z95 is CIBECUE, ARIZONA. Four times from 2005 August 14 to 2009 November 26. I thought this was going to be a wonderful spot to run in the remote Arizona mountains just after monsoon rains. My first time there, the runway was a little bit squishy but I saw no place to park that did not involve taxiing over some really muddy-soft mush. So I decided to take off again and run at Payson, a proven performer in my fly-and-run category. The second time I put my airplane off to the side of the runway and went for a 10 Km run with lots of "vista views" from the road.

     Airport CGZ is CASA GRANDE, ARIZONA. 18 times from 2005 August 21 to 2023 January 28. I stopped here one time before I ended up running at Eloy. Then I went for a run here, six mile rectangular loop east of the airport with the middle two miles on a pleasant, uninhabited dirt road. The four-lane divided highway has wide shoulders, so it's not a bad run. The last Saturday of every month they have a fly-in breakfast.

     Airport E60 is ELOY, ARIZONA. 15 times from 2005 August 21 to 2021 July 31. There is a flat road going south for about three miles, a reasonable out-and-back run with some side-road options. Picacho Peak is quite visible on the run.

     Airport 6V6 is HOPKINS, COLORADO. Twice on 2005 November 25 and 2016 June 20. I stopped here on my way from Moab to Telluride.

     Airport E77 is SAN MANUEL, ARIZONA. Five times from 2006 January 28 to 2016 April 9. I decide to stop here for a run and there was a fellow doing autogyro instruction. I even got some pictures of the autogryo in flight. There is a nice road to run, not too much traffic, and a dirt road I saw from the air that I might run next time.

     Airport BXK is BUCKEYE, ARIZONA. 21 times from 2006 April 8 to 2020 February 9. Bob C. and I decided to go for a run here along the canal. The run is flat with some nice mountain views in the distance.

     Airport FLG is FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. Nine times from 2006 May 12 to 2023 October 28. We had some German guests visiting our office who wanted to see the Grand Canyon, so I picked them up here, flew them over the canyon, and landed at Grand Canyon Airport. This is a high-altitude airport (2140m, 7000', 780mb) so don't expect sea-level performance on a warm day. There is a paved bike/jogging path going north of the airport while I found the road on the map going east blocked by fences.

     Airport A39 is PHOENIX REGIONAL, ARIZONA. Four times from 2006 October 21 to 2014 February 1.

     Airport SGUx is ST. GEORGE, UTAH. 18 times from 2006 December 23 to 2011 January 2. (This is the old St. George airport which I'm calling SGUx since the new St. George airport re-used the same three-letter code.) Now that Kanab no longer has car rental available, I'm using this airport as my gateway to Zion National Park.

     Airport 1L8 is HURRICANE, UTAH. Once on 2006 December 23. This airport is about halfway between St. George and Zion National Park. There is no rental car available here.

     Airport 1G4 is GRAND CANYON WEST, ARIZONA. Four times from 2007 May 6 to 2011 June 26. This is a terrific way to see the Skywalk at Grand Canyon West. It's a beautiful flight, a pleasure to land here, and well worth the money for the tour.

     Airport 24AZ is PLEASANT VALLEY (YOUNG "INTERNATIONAL"), ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). 20 times from 2007 June 2 to 2023 September 30. This is a forest-service strip with a reasonably good dirt runway. It's narrow enough that my wings were over shrubs on both sides. The pilots call it "Young International Airport" or just "International" for short when they're in Young, Arizona.

     Airport 58AZ is CHAPMAN RANCH, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). 10 times from 2007 June 2 to 2010 April 17. A new airport the Arizona Pilots Association is cleaning up. Before the cleanup, I wasn't comfortable landing my airplane here, so I landed at International and ran the 10 Km (six miles) from there to here.

     Airport HVE is HANKSVILLE, UTAH. 12 times from 2007 November 15 to 2023 December 13. I met LaVar Wells here for my introduction to Utah's back-country airstrips. I used the paved runway for coming and going and the soft runway for practice with LaVar.

     Airport U660 is HIDDEN SPLENDOR, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Nine times from 2007 November 15 to 2023 December 12. This back-country airstrip (38 34.10', -110 57.40') is as bizarre and wonderful as it looks on the web pages about it. If you're landing uphill and taking off downhill (the preferred method), then the approach and departure paths involve flying a narrow canyon with sharp turns. I was glad to have very-experienced flight instruction for this one. Check out my page on my Utah-back-country experience. My 2009 April 16 visit was my first solo time in here and I was seriously sweating. I took movie videos of my landings, takeoffs, and go-arounds there on 2009 April 16. I later put off-the-wing videos on Vimeo. Hidden Splendor is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it as WPT660. There is a gorgeous run through the San Rafael Reef canyon that involves getting wet feet in Muddy Creek or running up a six-percent grade on the dirt road back to "civilization."

     Airport U692 is MEXICAN MOUNTAIN, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). 10 times from 2007 November 15 to 2013 May 25. This airstrip (39 1.10', -110 27.00') is behind a hill so the runway isn't visible until short final approach. Check out my page on my Utah-back-country experience. I took movie videos of my solo landings and takeoffs there on 2009 April 18 (or Vimeo solo or with LaVar). Mexican Mountain is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it at WPT692. 2011 April 10 I finally got a chance to run here and headed west along a foot path with some footprints of others who probably walked or hiked along it. There are some very nice river views and mountain views.

     Airport UT03 is HITE, UTAH (HAZARDOUS ON CHART). Twice on 2007 November 15 and 2012 April 30. After honing my stick-and-rudder skills with a half hour in the Green River canyon, I landed here with some help from LaVar. This airport is labeled "Hazardous" on the Denver Sectional chart. Check out my page on my Utah-back-country experience.

     Airport U706 is ANGEL POINT, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Five times from 2007 November 15 to 2023 December 12. After coaching from LaVar, I did my first solo back-country landing and take-off from here (38 19.50', -110 26.10'). Angel Point is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it as WPT706. I took a movie video of my approach there on 2009 April 18 (or Vimeo). There is a nice run, not awesome but nice, from parking on the south end of the north-south runway and running east on the dirt road into a slight canyon.

     Airport P19 is STELLAR AIRPARK, ARIZONA. Twice on 2007 December 23 and 2008 May 20. I met Bill here and we went flying in his Grummen Tiger to have lunch at Marana.

     Airport FFZ is FALCON FIELD, ARIZONA (TOWER). 57 times from 2008 January 23 to 2024 October 27. When the Superbowl was coming, those of us who rented space from Cutter Aviation were asked to move our airplanes so they could maximize their income for the big, big-jet, big-bucks weekend. I figure I can put up with a little hassle moving my airplane for a few weeks or pay more for whatever income they didn't make in the big weekend, so my airplane stayed here at Falcon for a few weeks. I arranged with appropriate commuters from work to move my airplane and my car the right ways to fly here and back as needed.

     Airport E95 is BENSON, ARIZONA. 16 times from 2008 January 26 to 2017 April 15. Benson has a nice few-mile road to town through the desert east of Tucson with noticeably different vegetation than the north half of Arizona. It also has Karchner Caverns not too far by courtesy car, well worth the trip.

     Airport IGM is KINGMAN, ARIZONA. Seven times from 2008 January 31 to 2024 August 4. I got an e-mail that Aldo would be flying a client's Cessna Citation jet here from Florida. I hadn't seen Aldo in nineteen years, but it was like only a few days had gone by, great to see an old friend. So I took the day off from work and flew here to take Aldo over the Grand Canyon in my airplane, more intimate than seeing it from the flight levels in his clients's jets. Later on, I did a run through the industrial area trying to find the dirt road going east and finding some barking dogs instead. I'll be better prepared next time.

     Airport P04 is BISBEE MUNICIPAL, ARIZONA. Twice on 2008 April 12 and 2010 February 13. The Breakfast Club is, as they say, “a group of just ‘plane’ people who enjoy aviation.” They scheduled their breakfast meeting and I went for a lovely run to the south, almost into Mexico, before our victuals. The approach from the north goes through an interesting mountain pass, worth the effort for the view.

     Airport P29 is TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. Four times from 2008 April 12 to 2023 November 19. I couldn't resist landing here on the way back from Bisbee. This is the home city of the OK Corral and the famous gunfight. It was also home to a blustery wind with significant crosswind component, a good place to practice. When the Breakfast Club had a fly-in here, I went for a 10 Km (six mile) run in the surrounding, quiet desert.

     Airport P33 is COCHISE COUNTY, WILLCOX, ARIZONA. Once on 2008 April 12. Another stop on the way back from Bisbee, big expansive desert countryside and long, wide valleys.

     Airport E24 is WHITERIVER, ARIZONA. Twice on 2008 May 11 and 2009 December 19. This is an Indian-reservation, industrial town, Fort Apache. The run was okay for the first mile or so, 400 meters north and turn east across the canyon bridge, and then got much nicer in the countryside with terrific mountain views.

     Airport P14 is HOLBROOK, ARIZONA. Twice on 2008 June 14 and 2017 June 10. Holbrook is a small town, kind of a gateway to the Petrified Forest National Park and other Arizona places. I ran a fence-line where I'm not sure I was welcome and a Jeep road around the airport. Then I met a fly-in crowd for breakfast in town.

     Airport TYL is TAYLOR, ARIZONA. Four times from 2008 June 21 to 2013 September 21. My first time here I was in the traffic pattern, downwind leg, and realized it was hot, high, and turbulent, so I decided to come back a week later. My friends Dana and Mark have a Cherokee based here. I took a run east of the airport, including the short dirt-road section of Airport Loop Road.

     Airport SOW is SHOW LOW, ARIZONA. Seven times from 2008 June 21 to 2024 July 27. Show Low is a gateway to cool, mountain resort areas like Pine Top. There's enough moisture for oak trees to grow.

     Airport RYN is RYAN, ARIZONA. 10 times from 2008 August 9 to 2021 December 11. A bunch of us pilots had breakfast here. It's tower controlled but without the rigor of the big-bad-busy city airports, the automatic weather recording is the automatic terminal information service (ATIS). I ran south and then immediately east on Valencia Road. It's not a running route worth traveling for, but it was quite pleasant before breaking bread with the Breakfast Club.

     Airport AZC is COLORADO CITY, ARIZONA. Twice on 2008 September 13 and 2024 August 24. I stopped here on the way from St. George to Chinle and Canyon de Chelly.

     Airport E91 is CHINLE, ARIZONA. Six times from 2008 September 13 to 2023 October 14. With Warren's hard work, Breakfast Club planned a trip here so we could take a tour of Canyon de Chelly (pronounced CAN-yon-di-SHAY). (The airport road would be a nice, quiet run, but our transportation was into town so I ran there.)

     Airport 85V is GANADO, ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2008 September 14. This is a dirt strip not listed in my Flight Guide, but known to Airnav and it took me a couple of passes to find the right tiny town. I thought it would be fun to land and take off again. When I turned my airplane around to take off, two of my wheels sank into the sand. (I was too pissed off to take pictures of the sunken tires in the sand, mea culpa.) I got out, dug paths in front of the tires with my hands, firewalled my throttle with all the thrust I could get this high up (2030m, 6660', 800mb), and was able to get myself rolling again.

     Airport PUW is PULLMAN, WASHINGTON. Twice on 2008 October 4 and 2008 October 5. I gave a mathematical talk for the Operations Management Department at Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman, Washington. Eastern Washington State is a beautiful part of my country I've never visited before, rolling hills and deep river canyons. I figured I'd get a couple of good, hard runs in and do some flying in a locally-rented Cessna 172.

     Airport LWS is LEWISTON, IDAHO. Once on 2008 October 4. In my rental checkout flight out of Pullman, my instructor and I came here to do some practice landings.

     Airport 4S3 is JOSEPH STATE, OREGON. Once on 2008 October 5. My original plan was to do a fly-run adventure on Saturday from Pullman to this airport, but the weather turned out to be cloudy and rainy. The original forecast looked like no flying all weekend, but things got better Sunday morning and I was able to squeeze in a flight here before my airline flight back home to Phoenix.

     Airport 99V is CRAWFORD, COLORADO. Twice on 2008 November 24 and 2015 May 31. After doing an aerial tour of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, I stopped here and at North Fork on my way from Canyonlands to Montrose.

     Airport 7V2 is NORTH FORK, COLORADO. Once on 2008 November 24. After doing an aerial tour of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, I stopped at Crawford and here on my way from Canyonlands to Montrose.

     Airport MTJ is MONTROSE, COLORADO. Once on 2008 November 24. I went over this place in my 1987 Colorado-Rocky-Mountain flying days but didn't land here until recently. I visited Western Skyways to see my new engine for N4372J, still parts in bins. I also drove to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park to see it from the ground.

     Airport AJZ is BLAKE, COLORADO. Once on 2008 November 24. I stopped here and at Westwinds on my way from Montrose back to Canyonlands.

     Airport D17 is WESTWINDS, COLORADO. Once on 2008 November 24. I stopped at Blake and here on my way from Montrose back to Canyonlands. This is a paved strip, reasonable length, but the final approach for Runway 4 is a bit of a dog-leg to avoid a hill near the airport.

     Airport U679 is CEDAR MOUNTAIN, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Seven times from 2008 November 26 to 2013 May 25. LaVar took me into this strip (39 11.50', -110 36.30') on my second tour of Utah's back country. Ceder Mountain is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it at WPT679. I have a video on Vimeo.

     Airport U687 is SAGE BRUSH or PETER'S POINT, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Four times from 2008 November 26 to 2011 October 10. LaVar took me into this strip on my second tour of Utah's back country. Sage Brush is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it at WPT687. There's a dirt road going downhill into the valley with some good, scenic views.

     Airport U676 is SAND WASH, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Seven times from 2008 November 26 to 2014 May 14. LaVar took me into this strip (39 49.90', -109 56.00') on my second tour of Utah's back country. LaVar says this airport has some of the nastiest whirling winds from the scalloped drop-off next to the runway, but we had completely smooth air this time. Sand Wash is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it at WPT676.

     Airport UT75 is MINERAL CANYON, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Five times from 2008 November 26 to 2013 May 24. LaVar took me into this strip (38 31.80', -109 59.70') on my second tour of Utah's back country. LaVar took me over this one in 2007, but we didn't land here because LaVar said it was too soft. I suppose it doesn't take such a firm surface for landing, but take-off requires airplane tires rolling rather than sinking as I found out in Ganado. This time around the runway dirt was firmer and we had LaVar's more-powerful airplane, a Cessna 172 with short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) kit, 180 horsepower, and a constant-speed propeller. I took movie videos of my solo landing and takeoff there on 2009 April 18. There's a dirt road following the Green River in the canyon that goes to a boat launch and views great scenery.

     Airport UT97 is HAPPY CANYON, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Five times from 2008 November 26 to 2023 December 12. LaVar took me into this strip (38 9.40', -110 17.50') on my second tour of Utah's back country. I have a video on Vimeo.

     Airport U764 is DIRTY DEVIL, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Six times from 2008 November 26 to 2023 December 12. LaVar took me into this strip (38 10.40', -110 26.70') on my second tour of Utah's back country. Dirty Devil is not on the federal charts but can be found on the GH-UT chart from the Utah Back-Country Pilots Association (UBCP) who list it at WPT764. I have a wonderful video on Vimeo with my shadow leading me to my landing.

     Airport U34 is GREEN RIVER, UTAH. Once on 2008 November 26. I stopped here after my flight with LaVar on my way from Hanksville back to Canyonlands. It gave me another chance to check out Goblin Valley State Park from the air.

     Airport FHU is SIERRA VISTA, ARIZONA. Once on 2009 January 10. A tower controlled airport during the week, this one is pretty-much empty during the weekend, so I did three landings here on three different runways to exercise my crosswind-landing skills.

     Airport PRC is PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. 21 times from 2009 February 22 to 2022 April 9. When our breakfast group got to Wickenburg we found they no longer have a courtesy car, so we decided that Plan B was breakfast here at Prescott. They have a nice restaurant on the field with friendly help. The next trip was a group for an Airport Expo with various new airplanes on display. I went for a run before our meet-up and I went north on Route 89 hoping the dirt roads on the map were nice. They may have been nice, but they were also private, so I stuck to the highway. Next time I'll try going south to the rock formations.

     Airport P01 is AJO, ARIZONA. Twice on 2009 March 20 and 2010 January 9. When I offered my friend Ken some right-seat time to celebrate my new engine, he suggested coming here for a bite to eat. We came from Deer Valley over Buckeye and Gila Bend and then flew 500 feet over the highway on "the corridor" through a restricted area talking to a controller called "Snake Eyes" to get here. It's a nice walk on a dirt road to a casual country-club restaurant. We came back on a southern-route dogleg through the Phoenix-Class-B corridor. There's a nice, flat run east and then south of the airport either on a paved road into town or along a dirt road immediately alongside the railroad.

     Airport UT25 is MONUMENT VALLEY, UTAH. Seven times from 2009 March 21 to 2021 August 22. A friend mentioned she was staying at Gouldings Lodge in Monument Valley and they had this airport there. It's a one-way airport with a high rock face on the south end of the runway and very beautiful scenery all around. There's a straight, flat road with movie-set rock formations going ten miles to the town of Oljeto. I didn't run that far.

     Airport 0V7 is KAYENTA, ARIZONA. Twice on 2009 March 21 and 2021 August 22. I landed here on the way back from from Monument Valley to Deer Valley with a good, 19 knot crosswind for practice.

     Airport SAD is SAFFORD, ARIZONA. 12 times from 2009 March 23 to 2024 September 15. I was a passenger here on a breakfast-club mission and I decided I would come back and run here. There's a road north with a very-gentle incline up to the mountain, very nice run, good views, no traffic.

     Airport E37 is FLYING J, ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2009 March 23. I got a new engine with more power so I could land at and take off from soft, short, high, hot runways like this one. The "long" runway is 3300 feet (1000 meters) but AirNav says that the long runway has lots of big rocks while the short "crosswind" runway, 1650 feet (500 meters), is in better shape. The winds favored that runway anyway, so my new engine passed its first short-soft-field test here.

     Airport 27AZ is EAGLE ROOST, ARIZONA. Three times from 2009 March 28 to 2019 January 12. On the way to Lake Havasu my friend was telling me about this place. When we were circling the eagle-shaped mountain, we got on the radio and asked about landing here and a fellow said we could, so I did. More recently, Charles invited Jim and me to join him on a flight over the area including breakfast at Alamo Lake.

     Airport IWA is GATEWAY, ARIZONA (TOWER). Five times from 2009 March 31 to 2018 August 4. My friend Ken said the restaurant here was good, we flew here, and it was.

     Airport AZrc is RED CREEK, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). 28 times from 2009 April 11 to 2024 September 15. This is a local taste of remote, back-country aviation that isn't terribly remote, just 45 nautical miles from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport (PHX). (I made up the AZrc identifier as I don't believe it has one. It's not on the sectional or terminal area charts either.) It's a dirt strip off the Verde River (34 9.60', -111 43.60'), 2300 feet elevation and 1460 feet (445 meters) long. It's a one-way strip, landing Runway 24 and departing Runway 6, with mountains immediately west of the airstrip. The running looked better from the air than on the ground where the dirt trails were rocky and interrupted with fences. Approach and departure are best made along the Verde River with a quick turn between river and airstrip. I took movie videos of my landing and takeoff there on 2009 April 11. I have videos on Vimeo of landing and taking off with some great river-valley flying.

     Airport U639 is BROWN'S RIM, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Twice on 2009 April 21 and 2009 November 9. There were cows all around including on the airstrip runway and it took three fly-by passes to get them to wander away so I could land here (37 51.20', -110 17.90'). I ran and hiked about a kilometer (0.6 miles) each way to a view of Cataract Canyon. I took movie videos of my landing and takeoff there on 2009 April 20 (or Vimeo).

     Airport UT74 is FRY CANYON, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2009 April 21. Charles Lawrence and Debbie Stephens, a couple from Beaumont, Texas, saw the airplane on the side of the road and stopped. He used to be a pilot for National Airlines. The three of us went down about 1.5 Km (a mile) each way to the slot canyon. (Their car was full of stuff so I ran, which I wanted to do anyway.) I took a movie video of my landing here (37 39.10', -110 10.30') on 2009 April 20.

     Airport BLH is BLYTHE, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2009 May 18. I landed here on the way from Deer Valley to Santa Monica and I ended up in Van Nuys instead where the weather was better.

     Airport L64 is DESERT CENTER, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2009 May 18. I landed here on the way from Deer Valley to Santa Monica and I ended up in Van Nuys instead where the weather was better. It was a nice run, a mile (1.6 Km) of dirt driveway for the airport and a not-too-busy, two-lane road to the mountains with a dirt road about a mile (1.5 Km) north of the airport driveway road. I saw condors feasting on a dead snake in the road and I even caught one of them in flight.

     Airport TNP is TWENTYNINE PALMS, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2009 May 18. I landed here on the way from Deer Valley to Santa Monica and I ended up in Van Nuys instead where the weather was better. I was going to wait here to see if Santa Monica weather improved, but there was a line of increasingly-severe thunderstorms behind me coming from Desert Center, so I kept going.

     Airport CNO is CHINO, CALIFORNIA (TOWER). Once on 2009 May 18. I landed here on the way from Deer Valley to Santa Monica and I ended up in Van Nuys instead where the weather was better. I had lunch with a friend, Jack, whom I've worked with at two companies before his move to Beijing and then I called the Santa Monica fixed base operator (FBO) to ask what people do when the clouds stay low. She said they go to Van Nuys instead, so I did.

     Airport VNY is VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA (TOWER). Twice on 2009 May 18 and 2009 May 20. This is supposed to be the busiest general-aviation airport in the United States. I've tied down at Deer Valley in Phoenix and Republic on Long Island, so it wasn't worse than I've had before. I have to say the southern-California "SoCal" controllers were all terrific, all helpful to me as I'm new to the area and all checking the weather at Santa Monica to see if I could go there instead of my backup at Van Nuys.

     Airport L70 is AGUA DULCE, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2009 May 20. Rather than go through the busy, hazy corridor of Los Angeles, on my way back from Van Nuys to Deer Valley, I went up into the mountains north of Van Nuys and landed at this charming strip in the lower mountains. The traffic pattern is a little tight, not quite back-country tight, but not for student pilots, either. The run was okay, a 600-meter paved road (1/3 mile) onto a somewhat-busy road with big houses and small farms in the rolling hills. 8:00 on a weekday morning is the worst-traffic time, so I suspect an early-Sunday-morning run would be more pleasant.

     Airport APV is APPLE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2009 May 20. I stopped here for a bite to eat on my way back from Van Nuys to Deer Valley, but the flight-guide-mentioned restaurant is here no more.

     Airport GEU is GLENDALE, ARIZONA (TOWER). 12 times from 2009 June 29 to 2024 August 24. Picking up some friends at dawn at Goodyear who were visiting from Austria, I stopped here on the way from Deer Valley.

     Airport GYR is GOODYEAR, ARIZONA (TOWER). Three times from 2009 June 29 to 2017 October 22. Two Internet friends became real, flesh-and-blood friends when I met them here for a day of flying.

     Airport JTC is SPRINGERVILLE, ARIZONA. Three times from 2009 September 7 to 2020 November 14. This is a nice airport and they tell me it's the highest-elevation airport in Arizona.

     Airport SJN is SAINT JOHNS INDUSTRIAL, ARIZONA. Once on 2009 September 7. The fixed base operator (FBO) was nice and the fuel was cheap. The run is nice, go north (right turn), right on the dirt road that angles around the runway's north end, and left at the end for several miles.

     Airport RIF is RICHFIELD, UTAH. Once on 2009 October 3. My friend Lanny from Salt Lake City invited me to join him for breakfast here. It's not a restaurant as I expected. Instead the airport guys make a breakfast that is out of this world, fresh food that tastes like it's from the agricultural community of Richfield, Utah. After myriad e-mails and a few telephone calls, it was great to meet Lanny face to face and to see PA28-180 N5262L, his Cherokee.

     Airport 44U is SALINA-GUNNISON, UTAH. Once on 2009 October 3. I decided to do an airport tour of central Utah from Richfield and started with this remote strip north of Interstate 70.

     Airport FOM is FILLMORE, UTAH. Once on 2009 October 3. Next on my airport tour of central Utah from Richfield after Salina-Gunnison was this strip. It meant going over and around some high mountains.

     Airport U52 is BEAVER, UTAH. Once on 2009 October 3. Beaver was my last airport before going back to Bryce Canyon on my central-Utah airport tour. I was going to to Panguitch (U55) on the way, but the crosswinds were up to 22 knots and the field is high altitude.

     Airport P23 is SELIGMAN, ARIZONA. 18 times from 2009 October 16 to 2023 July 22. The run was okay along the main road, Route 66 but there's a sort-of-private ranch area with permission being available about seventeen miles down the road, says the sign. I took a peek and ran a mile into the private area on the dirt road north towards the big-S mountain. More recently (2014 August) I ran south of Route 66 under the railroad bridge along the dirt roads there.

     Airport L37 is GRAND CANYON CAVERNS, ARIZONA (SOFT). Twice on 2009 October 16 and 2010 July 24. My little-black-book FlightGuide says this gravel airport is unattended, but there was a nice woman's voice on the unicom my first time here with winds and an invitation to come and see the sights. The Phoenix Pilots Group finally got around to visiting, we were graciously received, and we had a terrific cavern tour. Because of the lack of moisture, this cave is one of the few without stalactites and stalagmites. (Do you remember which is which?) Because the dirt roads were muddier than I like to run on, I got my kicks on Route 66.

     Airport CHD is CHANDLER, ARIZONA (TOWER). Eight times from 2009 October 17 to 2016 August 21. The Phoenix Pilots Group had breakfast here and I celebrated my four-hundredth airport with a canal run (nice mix of paved and dirt past a cattle farm) and brunch with my flying buddies.

     Airport 69V is HUNTINGTON, UTAH. Once on 2009 November 11. LaVar Wells took me in here where we used both paved and dirt runways.

     Airport C669 is DOLORES POINT, COLORADO (SOFT AND BACK-COUNTRY). Three times from 2009 November 11 to 2013 May 25. LaVar showed me this high-altitude, peninsular-mesa strip (38 42.10', -109 2.60') with roller-coaster undulation in its not-quite-straight runway. On a still day like this one, it was fine, but this airstrip must be hell when the wind is blowing through the Dolores-River canyon.

     Airport 9CO3 is GATEWAY-HUBBARD, COLORADO (SOFT AND BACK-COUNTRY). Six times from 2009 November 11 to 2016 June 20. This is a pretty airstrip (38 40.70', -108 59.20') in the canyon below Dolores Point and LaVar took me here right afterward. Final approach is the width of a not-very-wide canyon.

     Airport GUP is GALLUP, NEW MEXICO. Three times from 2009 December 5 to 2012 September 30. My friend Sean and I took to the skies on a Saturday morning and we stopped here for breakfast using their courtesy car.

     Airport ZUN is BLACK ROCK, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2009 December 5. After Sean and I left Gallup, we landed here on our way to see the Very Large Array (VLA) of radio telescopes.

     Airport T16 is RESERVE, NEW MEXICO. Four times from 2009 December 5 to 2024 September 15. After doing our aerial viewing of the Very Large Array (VLA) of radio telescopes, Sean and I stopped here.

     Airport 3AZ2 is U of MARICOPA, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2009 December 6. I don't know whether to count this place (33 4.82', -111 59.01') as one or two on my airports list, so I'll take the conservative position and say this is one airstrip with two parallel runways. On our first flight together my friend John took me here.

     Airport 2AZ1 is INDIAN HILLS, ARIZONA. Twice on 2009 December 20 and 2011 January 15. EAA buddy John took me here to visit another airplane-building buddy and to Alamo Lake.

     Airport AZal is ALAMO LAKE, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). 25 times from 2009 December 20 to 2024 February 24. EAA buddy John took me to Indian Hills and here (34 14.80', -113 29.20') on a wonderful Sunday-afternoon flying adventure. Carl at the Wayside Inn serves a good meal. Remember to take off south on Runway 18 so you don't kick dirt and rocks into windows near the runway.

     Airport U08 is PERKINS, NEVADA. Once on 2009 December 26. This airport was part of my Lake-Mead airport tour on my way back from Zion National Park and Snow Canyon State Park in Utah and from Saint George. It's a nice strip between two towns.

     Airport 0L9 is ECHO BAY, NEVADA. Once on 2009 December 26. This airport was part of my Lake-Mead airport tour on my way back from Zion National Park and Snow Canyon State Park in Utah and from Saint George. This paved strip is more remote than Perkins with "live" coverage of my landing on Vimeo.

     Airport U30 is TEMPLE BAR, ARIZONA. Once on 2009 December 26. This airport was part of my Lake-Mead airport tour on my way back from Zion National Park and Snow Canyon State Park in Utah and from Saint George. This paved strip is even more remote than Echo Bay with "live" coverage of my landing on Vimeo.

     Airport L25 is PEARCE FERRY, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Five times from 2009 December 26 to 2020 June 20. This airport was part of my Lake-Mead airport tour on my way back from Zion National Park and Snow Canyon State Park in Utah and from Saint George. Finally, before stopping at Grand Canyon West, I landed at this back-country strip on a mesa, cool scenery and cool landing. Again, I took "live" coverage of my landing on Vimeo. Rob and I ran here in 2011 June.

     Airport IFP is BULLHEAD, ARIZONA. Once on 2010 January 1. We had a fly-in breakfast on New Year's. Since I don't stay up late (the new year seems to come even if I'm not awake at midnight), I was able to get here early to run a few miles beforehand. We took a nice courtesy van across the river to Laughlin, Nevada.

     Airport A20 is SUN VALLEY, ARIZONA. Four times from 2010 January 1 to 2020 October 18. I stopped here on my way back from Bullhead to Deer Valley.

     Airport A09 is EAGLE, ARIZONA. Once on 2010 January 1. I stopped here on my way back from Bullhead to Deer Valley.

     Airport EED is NEEDLES, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 January 1. I stopped here on my way back from Bullhead to Deer Valley.

     Airport 1S2 is DARRINGTON, WASHINGTON. Once on 2010 March 19. Charlie and I flew around north of Seattle, Washington. This was one of our two mountain stops.

     Airport 3W5 is CONCRETE, WASHINGTON. Once on 2010 March 19. Charlie and I flew around north of Seattle, Washington. This was one of our two mountain stops. I thought of the movie "This Boy's Life which was set in Concrete, Washington.

     Airport BVS is SKAGIT RGNL, WASHINGTON. Once on 2010 March 19. Charlie and I flew around north of Seattle, Washington. This stop was between the mountains and the islands.

     Airport ORS is ORCAS ISLAND, WASHINGTON. Once on 2010 March 19. Charlie and I flew around north of Seattle, Washington. This was part of our San Juan Islands tour.

     Airport FHR is FRIDAY HARBOR, WASHINGTON. Once on 2010 March 19. Charlie and I flew around north of Seattle, Washington. This was part of our San Juan Islands tour.

     Airport S31 is LOPEZ ISLAND, WASHINGTON. Once on 2010 March 19. Charlie and I flew around north of Seattle, Washington. This was part of our San Juan Islands tour.

     Airport AZcr is CACTUS RANCH, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Four times from 2010 April 3 to 2014 February 1. Bernie from Indian Hills told me about this one, so I landed there (33 10.20', -112 17.00'). It's a dirt strip in the middle of nowhere in the morning shadow of the Estrella Mountains. Running here is along the not-busy runway and not-busy dirt roads. Tire marks on both suggest they're used occasionally. The main dirt road is very sandy, too soft for my taste, but there are a few miles of side pathways that are firmer.

     Airport HND is HENDERSON, NEVADA. Five times from 2010 April 6 to 2014 October 11. I visited a friend in Las Vegas and this offered a better bargain than I would have expected at McCarren.

     Airport BVU is BOULDER CITY, NEVADA. Once on 2010 April 7. On my way back from Henderson I landed at this airport right next to Hoover Dam, formerly known as Boulder Dam.

     Airport 1L4 is KIDWELL, NEVADA (SOFT). Once on 2010 April 14. I took an airport tour from Las Vegas to Furnace Creek and this was one of the stops.

     Airport 1L3 is SEARCHLIGHT, NEVADA. Once on 2010 April 14. I took an airport tour from Las Vegas to Furnace Creek and this was one of the stops.

     Airport 0L7 is JEAN, NEVADA. Once on 2010 April 14. I took an airport tour from Las Vegas to Furnace Creek and this was one of the stops.

     Airport 3L2 is SKY RANCH, NEVADA. Once on 2010 April 14. I took an airport tour from Las Vegas to Furnace Creek and this was one of the stops.

     Airport L61 is SHOSHONE, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 April 14. I took an airport tour from Las Vegas to Furnace Creek and this was one of the stops.

     Airport L06 is FURNACE CREEK, CALIFORNIA. Three times from 2010 April 14 to 2015 January 25. The lowest airport in North America (−65m, −210', 1020mb) was the final stop on my airport tour on 2010 April 14.

     Airport 1L7 is ESCALANTE, UTAH. Once on 2010 May 1. I thought there was doing to be a fly-in so I figured I would stop here on the way to Tangri-la, run a few miles on Utah Route 12 (some tourist traffic, not too bad), and meet people. Nobody was here, but they have a nice pilot lounge open and it has a cordless telephone, good for weather briefings.

     Airport UT68 is TANGRI-LA, UTAH (SOFT AND BACK-COUNTRY). Six times from 2010 May 1 to 2013 May 25. I stopped here (38 28.40', -109 39.60') for the night on the way to Canyonlands. All the Moab hotels I tried were sold out, there was a fly-in event scheduled here (rescheduled for anticipated bad weather that didn't happen), so I figured I would stay here, run, sleep, and enjoy the view. I wasn't disappointed. The run is a dirt road "driveway" for a couple of miles to the main dirt road from the nearby salt evaporation ponds into Moab. In May they have a big fly-in that draws back-country pilots from lots of places, near and far.

     Airport U43 is MONTICELLO, UTAH. Once on 2010 May 6. This was first on an airport tour from Canyonlands to Monument Valley on the way back home to Deer Valley. The scenery looks green and lush like lower elevations and my airplane engine reminded me on takeoff that this airport is (2135m, 7000', 790mb) higher up.

     Airport BDG is BLANDING, UTAH. Once on 2010 May 6. This was second on an airport tour from Canyonlands to Monument Valley on the way back home to Deer Valley.

     Airport 66V is BLUFF, UTAH. Once on 2010 May 6. This was third on an airport tour from Canyonlands to Monument Valley on the way back home to Deer Valley. I followed the wrong ridgeline and the airport wasn't there, but it appeared about ten miles later with a similar ridgeline that was the right one. Somebody with a fancy GPS unit wouldn't make that mistake, but (as of 2010 May) I find it more fun navigating this way.

     Airport 57AZ is La CHOLLA, ARIZONA (PRIVATE). Once on 2010 May 22. They had a fly-in barbecue at this private, paved strip and I took advantage of the chance to visit. Strong winds and bouncy air limited the fly-in crowd, but the locals were there and I met some interesting people.

     Airport N57 is NEW GARDEN, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 2010 May 31. I went flying with my friend Neil in his Cessna 182 based here.

     Airport OQN is BRANDYWINE, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 2010 May 31. When I went flying with my friend Neil in his Cessna 182 based at Brandywine, we took a short side trip here.

     Airport AZ03 is CLIFF DWELLERS LODGE, ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2010 July 5. This is a dirt strip south of and parallel to the highway about 8 Km (five miles) downriver from Marble Canyon, at the very northeast end of the Grand Canyon. It's not that easy to find. The folks from the restaurant were nice enough to pick us up and we had a nice meal with a great view.

     Airport NM55 is WHITEWATER RANCH, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and PRIVATE). Once on 2010 July 10. This strip belongs to Vernon and Valera Hollimon who were gracious enough to let us use it as a base of operations for some back-country exploration in New Mexico.

     Airport E94 is GLENWOOD-CATRON, NEW MEXICO (SOFT). Twice on 2010 July 10 and 2023 September 2. This is the public-access strip next to Whitewater Ranch, nothing but an airstrip, which was in good condition. The two strips are right next to each other and they almost overlap.

     Airport CLT is GREENLEE, ARIZONA. Once on 2010 July 10. I stopped here on my way back from Whitewater Ranch to Deer Valley after a day of back-country exploration in New Mexico.

     Airport 0NM7 is NEGRITO, NEW MEXICO. Eight times from 2010 August 7 to 2024 September 15. After getting a tour in the back seat of a Maule, I decided it was time to see the New Mexico back country for myself. This strip (33 31.30', -108 32.60') is high (2470m, 8100', 760mb) and the warm weather made it feel like it was higher (3050m, 10000', 710mb) both in terms of running and airplane performance. (We call that temperature factor "density altitude.") My slow run was pleasant and the countryside is beautiful. After landing easily, N4372J performed admirably in the thin air using about one-third of the 2300-meter (7500-foot, mile and a half) grass runway. The New Mexico back-country pilots had a fly-in here on 2010 October 2 and I visited Beaverhead and Me-Own.

     Airport psNM is Pete Shepley near BEAVERHEAD, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2010 August 7. Not my finest hour, I thought this was Beaverhead, a longer, smoother airstrip.

     Airport 7S5 is INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. Twice on 2010 September 3 and 2010 September 4. I came here to buy N8377R, a 1965 PA28-180C Piper Cherokee.

     Airport S48 is COUNTRY SQUIRE, OREGON. Once on 2010 September 3. Sean and I flew here from Independence in my first flight in N8377R.

     Airport 7S9 is LENHART, OREGON. Once on 2010 September 3. Sean and I flew here from Independence in my first flight in N8377R.

     Airport 2S7 is CHILOQUIN STATE, OREGON. Once on 2010 September 4. Sean and I stopped here on my way from Independence to Deer Valley to bring N8377R to its new home.

     Airport AAT is ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 September 4. Sean and I stopped here on my way from Independence to Deer Valley to bring N8377R to its new home.

     Airport 88NV is BLACK ROCK [BURNING MAN], NEVADA (SOFT). Once on 2010 September 4. Sean and I stopped here on my way from Independence to Deer Valley to bring N8377R to its new home.

     Airport TMT is AUSTIN, NEVADA. Once on 2010 September 4. Sean and I stopped here on my way from Independence to Deer Valley to bring N8377R to its new home.

     Airport TPH is TONAPAH, NEVADA. Once on 2010 September 4. Sean and I stopped here on my way from Independence to Deer Valley to bring N8377R to its new home.

     Airport BTY is BEATTY, NEVADA. Once on 2010 September 4. Sean and I stopped here on my way from Independence to Deer Valley to bring N8377R to its new home.

     Airport 13NM is BEAVERHEAD, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Four times from 2010 October 2 to 2024 September 15. This (33 25.20', -108 8.40') is a lovely strip with a road that looks fetching to run on.

     Airport 1NM0 is ME-OWN, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Four times from 2010 October 2 to 2024 September 15. This (33 12.70', -108 1.50') is another lovely, New-Mexico, back-country airstrip. The road to the south looks like a lovely canyon to run in. I got my bearings confused and went north instead, still very pretty.

     Airport L80 is ROY WILLIAMS, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 October 12. On my way from Lake Havasu to John Wayne in Orange County, Peter and I stopped here.

     Airport L22 is YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 October 12. On my way from Lake Havasu to John Wayne in Orange County, Peter and I stopped here.

     Airport BNG is BANNING, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 October 12. On my way from Lake Havasu to John Wayne in Orange County, Peter and I stopped here.

     Airport L65 is PERRIS VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2010 October 12. On my way from Lake Havasu to John Wayne in Orange County, Peter and I stopped here and had lunch.

     Airport SNA is JOHN WAYNE, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2010 October 12 and 2010 October 13. I was invited by the Orange County pilots group to give a presentation on my New-Mexico experience on 2010 August 7 at this airport. For a big, busy, airline airport, this place is wonderfully kind to us general-aviation, "little" airplanes.

     Airport 04UT is NAVAJO MOUNTAIN, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2010 November 23. I got permission from the Navajo Mountain Chapter to land on this airstrip (37 0.66', -110 47.40') south of Navajo Mountain, very beautiful.

     Airport U014 is WHITE WASH SAND DUNES, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Twice on 2010 November 23 and 2012 May 2. This cute little strip (38 48.90', -110 2.60') is a bit rough but might be a good candidate for a fly-run adventure someday.

     Airport U942 is EAGLE CITY, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Twice on 2010 November 25 and 2011 April 6. This one (38 5.00', -110 41.80') is high and short but on a steep hill, 6% grade. That makes for easier landings and take-offs than one would think just from the 6250' elevation and 1900' runway length. The second time here I had enough time for a short run up the hill, and there was plenty of uphill to go around. I went a mile up and then "cheated" by going along a side road that didn't climb before I turned around and came back.

     Airport AZ67 is EL TIRO, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2010 December 19. My friend John used to be seriously involved flying gliders with the Tucson Soaring Club here, so he brought me here to see the place. It was a lot of fun.

     Airport AZka is KING OF ARIZONA, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2011 January 15. My friend Bernie showed me some Arizona back-country airstrips starting with this one (33 43.30', -113 45.80').

     Airport AZre is RANCHO ESTRELLA, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Twice on 2011 January 15 and 2011 August 27. Bernie took me and his brother Pete here (33 45.00', -113 34.00') to visit some pilot friends.

     Airport AZvn is V.N.G.R.N., ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Three times from 2011 January 15 to 2012 April 1. Bernie took me here (33 28.20', -113 36.90') to show me a terrific camping site far away from the crowds, noise, and city lights. Since there are no roads here, dirt or otherwise, I thought there wouldn't be good running here, but just running in the hard dirt works as the bushes are far enough apart and I counted on my GPS watch to guide me home (along with seeing the tail of my airplane in the distance).

     Airport AZwm is WINDMILL, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). 11 times from 2011 January 15 to 2020 April 25. Finally, Bernie took me here (33 39.10', -113 13.40') to show me a lovely little airstrip nestled between and among small mountains. I went back and ran 8 Km (five miles) here, remote and pretty desert scenery on dirt roads north of the airstrip.

     Airport E78 is SELLS, ARIZONA. Once on 2011 January 22. This might be an interesting running site, but the edge-height from the runway to the parking area looks like it might "ding" the propeller on a tricycle-gear airplane like mine. I'll probably park on the end of the runway in the run-up area instead.

     Airport PHX is PHOENIX SKY HARBOR, ARIZONA (TOWER and CLASS-B). Twice on 2011 February 8 and 2011 October 13. Our Phoenix-pilots MeetUp group had a fly-in here when Cutter Aviation (the local fixed base operator (FBO)) waived their $20 landing fee and served us a free lunch to boot. Sean came with me and I took two people from work (US Airways) each way and had them share a car so four of them could come along.

     Airport AZ21 is FOUR PILLARS, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Twice on 2011 March 26 and 2011 December 17. The Arizona Pilots Assocation had a fly-in here (31 44.45', -110 14.87') with camping (which I did not do), eating (which I did plenty of), and socializing with other back-country pilots (which I also did).

     Airport U038 is NOKAI DOME, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Three times from 2011 April 6 to 2012 April 30. I stopped here (37 16.70', -110 34.30') at the suggestion of a friend and it is very nice. Running either direction, north or south (I tried a little of each), has some wonderful views including some of Navajo Mountain nearby.

     Airport AZvm is VULTURE MINE, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2011 April 23. This one (33 49.40', -112 49.70') was off-limits for a while and now it's available for landing. Avoiding the deeper rut at the north end, the runway is still an ample 860 meters (2800 feet) long and there is a nice trail loop going north for running. An easy walk (500 meters, 1/3 mile) west from the south end of the airstrip is a fun, self-guided four of the abandoned mine for $10 with a whole lot of beat-up building and machinery and stuff.

     Airport 1Z1 is GRAND CANYON BAR TEN, ARIZONA. Once on 2011 May 14. This place gets busy as dawn becomes morning, plenty of Vision-Air flights and helicopter tours. The lodge (where I paid $26 which included a sandwich for lunch) is about 1.3 Km (0.8 mile) north along the dirt road. While the folks at the lodge are cheerful about giving a ride, I ran north and back, ate at the lodge, and mooched a ride back to the airport.

     Airport 48AZ is RIMROCK, ARIZONA. Once on 2011 June 12. My flying friend Rich owns some property in the area, so he arranged for us to fly in here. Heading east past Montezuma Well National Monument, the run along Beaver Creek Road turns to a nice dirt road with good scenery.

     Airport ARB is ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN (TOWER). Three times from 2011 July 2 to 2018 September 13. I decided to stop here on the drive from Detroit Metro (DTW by airline) to some family stuff happening in Toledo, Ohio, and to rent an airplane for some local, Michigan flying with Rob in a rented Cherokee PA28-140.

     Airport 98G is SEBEWAING, MICHIGAN. Once on 2011 July 2. Our first stop out of Ann Arbor was this short airstrip (with strong crosswinds)

     Airport 45G is BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN. Once on 2011 July 2. Our second stop out of Ann Arbor was pilot-buddy Sean's home town for thirteen years.

     Airport 7N4 is HONEY ACRES, MICHIGAN. Once on 2011 July 2. Neither my landing nor my takeoff at this lovely green-grass airstrip was up to par, so Rob and I came back and I did it again, much better. I was avenged, redeemed, atoned, renewed, and absolved. I would hate to have the bees in the nearby apiary think they could fly better than I can.

     Airport JXN is JACKSON, MICHIGAN (TOWER). Once on 2011 July 2. Lunch with Rob, nice airport, nice restaurant.

     Airport JYM is HILLSDALE, MICHIGAN. Twice on 2011 July 2 and 2018 September 13. Those who know me know I'm a big fan of Hillsdale College for many reasons, so I had to land here on my first aerial tour of Michigan.

     Airport 28AZ is SAMPLEYS, ARIZONA (SOFT). Twice on 2011 July 23 and 2016 January 23. When Rob and I were dining at Carl's Wayside Inn at Alamo Lake, we ran into Lee who invited us to his magnificent home here at this airstrip.

     Airport L35 is BIG BEAR CITY, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2011 October 7 and 2011 October 8.

     Airport PUC is CARBON COUNTY, UTAH. Once on 2011 October 10. I stopped here between two back-country airports on one of my Utah trips.

     Airport NYL is YUMA, ARIZONA (TOWER). Once on 2011 October 21. This is a mixed civilian-military airport, but I didn't see any cool military airplanes.

     Airport 44A is ROLLE, ARIZONA. Once on 2011 October 21. I stopped in this out-of-the-way place for a run. Some cool fellows were there working on the new hanger facility and they let me out the gate for my run and stayed around for my return.

     Airport L77 is CHIRIACO SUMMIT, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2011 October 30 and 2016 June 4. My buddy Sean and I visited the General Patton museum here.

     Airport PSP is PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA (TOWER). Three times from 2011 October 30 to 2022 January 7. My buddy Sean and I visited the Palm Springs Air museum here.

     Airport VGT is NORTH LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (TOWER). Eight times from 2011 December 5 to 2015 September 21. I visited a friend who lives at University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) and decided to try this airport instead of going back to Henderson. Coming from the south, there's a lot more airspace and radio "stuff" as I have to cross the flight paths into McCarron (LAS).

     Airport SGU is ST. GEORGE, UTAH. 12 times from 2011 December 14 to 2021 February 27. Actually, the new Saint George Airport (seven miles southeast of Interstate 15) was identified as DXZ when I landed on 2011 December 14 and changed to SGU before I took off on 2011 December 16. I'm not sure what that does to my takeoff-and-landing record. (Maybe it's like Air Force One reverting to its regular tail number in flight when Richard Nixon's resignation took effect. That way Air Force One has one more takeoff than landing and I have one more takeoff than landing from airport identifier SGU.)

     Airport AZwp is WILLCOX PLAYA (not an airstrip), ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2011 December 17. Yeah, some friends and I were leaving a fly-in at Four Pillars, we flew over his place near the Cochise Stronghold in the mountains, and then a couple of big-tire, Cub-type airplanes landed on the playa, not an airstrip, just the clay surface. They called on the radio, "Hey, Adam, you can land on this," and I did.

     Airport AZbk is BOUQUET RANCH, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Six times from 2012 February 9 to 2014 April 19. I met Jim and Craig here (33 50.77', -111 14.71'). Craig and his Spanish-only dog (so he says, I didn't hear the pooch say anything) were wonderful hosts including breakfast in Punkin Center after I ran a bit into a lovely canyon-wash area.

     Airport 88AZ is GRAPEVINE, ARIZONA (PRIVATE). 39 times from 2012 February 26 to 2024 April 21. After a clean-up party here on 2012 January 14, we had a fly-in weekend here. Busy with a Page fly-in on Saturday, I came on Sunday and there were still a lot of people there.

     Airport DGL is DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. Once on 2012 April 7. The Breakfast Club had its monthly fly-in breakfast here, so I took Bonnie and Ky and I ran a few miles before eating at the beautiful Gadsden Hotel. The south end of the runway is right on the U.S.-Mexican border.

     Airport P03 is COCHISE COLLEGE, ARIZONA. Once on 2012 April 7. I decided to stop here on my way back from Douglas to Chandler. There was nobody here on a Saturday afternoon, but there was a bunch of equipment. Could this be the drone-central airport for the border?

     Airport DUG is BISBEE-DOUGLAS, ARIZONA. Once on 2012 April 7. I decided to stop here on my way back from Douglas to Chandler. There was nobody here on a Saturday afternoon.

     Airport AZtt is TOMAHAWK TRUCKSTOP, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2012 April 21. Bernie told me about this one (33 37.47', -113 46.30') along Interstate 10. There's an interstate truckstop an easy walk north of the airstrip.

     Airport AZbs is BOUSE, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2012 April 21. Airport 500 on my list! Bouse, Arizona, (33 55.70', -114 0.00') is a pretty run and might have some fun eating spots.

     Airport 5AZ3 is PEGASUS, ARIZONA (PRIVATE). Once on 2012 April 21. They had a free fly-in breakfast event here and I saw a few friends.

     Airport P10 is POLACCA, ARIZONA. Once on 2012 April 30. I stopped here in the way to Canyonlands and ran a bit on the dirt driveway-road from the paved highway.

     Airport 4V0 is RANGELY, COLORADO. Once on 2012 May 2. I stopped here on the way from Sand Wash to Mack Mesa.

     Airport 10CO is MACK MESA, COLORADO. Four times from 2012 May 2 to 2014 August 2. from 2012 May 2 to 2013 May 24. Steve and Lexi invited me here at fly-in events at Four Pillars and Grapevine in Arizona. Ladd is the big man here (literally) and we had a terrific dinner for all the Caveman Ranch fly-in guests on 2012 May 4, Friday afternoon.

     Airport UT42 is WESTWATER, UTAH. Once on 2012 May 4. I stopped here on the way from Caveman Ranch to Mack Mesa.

     Airport GJT is GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO. Once on 2012 May 4. I stopped here on the way from Mack Mesa to Canyonlands since I've never been here before in my western-Colorado travels.

     Airport 21AZ is WHITE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ARIZONA (PRIVATE). Twice on 2012 June 16 and 2013 August 10. The Breakfast Club had its monthly fly-in breakfast here. The folks who own the strip were terrific hosts.

     Airport DRO is DURANGO, COLORADO. Twice on 2012 September 28 and 2012 September 30. Some light-sport-airplane buddies invited me along on their trip from Phoenix to Durango where we visited Mesa Verde National Park and took the Durango-Silverton Narrow-Gauge Railroad at the height of yellow-leaf-aspen season.

     Airport LUF is LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA. Twice on 2012 October 18 and 2012 October 19. The folks at Luke Air Force Base (AFB) had a civilian fly-in where they invited forty of us to fly there. They gave us presentations on how they manage their airspace, which many of us fly through regularly so we need to know, and they gave us tours of the base and gunnery range. It was funny to see them gawking at our Cessnas and Pipers because they were so used to high-performance fighter aircraft. They were fantastic hosts and I look forward to similar events in the future.

     Airport 5AZ6 is MOTOWN, ARIZONA (SOFT and PRIVATE). Nine times from 2013 February 17 to 2021 February 13. A buddy said he couldn't come with me on a flight 'cuz he was going to Motown. I figured he meant Detroit, Michican, until I poked around on the web and found the Arizona Flying Circus at this place. There are lots of "trikes" and other ultralight aircraft. There's a nice not-hilly run on a dirt road in the hills north of the airstrip.

     Airport 2AZ4 is MILLAR, ARIZONA (PRIVATE). Five times from 2013 March 24 to 2020 March 14. I got a note from a friend about a fly-in event here on 2013 March 24. Chuck Millar keeps a museum here with some old military airplanes and some similar-vintage military vehicles along with a warm welcome for his visitors. They had a car show at the airport the same day, so it was a "hoppin' place" that day. I went for a run along a dirt road near a dairy farm.

     Airport AZgg is GRAND GULCH, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Three times from 2013 March 31 to 2018 February 3. I've been hearing about this one for a while. I took a fly-by visit in 2012 June on my way to Saint George but it was deemed too rocky for a Cherokee by experts I trust. Well, some good people cleaned it up a bit and some folks from the Utah Back-Country Pilots (UBCP) told me it was in shape comparable to places I've already been. The run took me past some "ancient twentieth-century dwellings" and vintage mine equipment along with a warning sign on the road not to kick around too much in the buildings because of Hanta virus. On 2013 March 31 on my way to Los Vegas North I was quite alone here in this spectacularly-beautiful place.

     Airport Z66 is DOUBLE CIRCLE RANCH, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Six times from 2013 April 20 to 2020 April 4. Another place on the Arizona Pilots Association (APA) list, I went to a fly-in event here with lots of other pilots. Most of them had tents and other overnight gear, and I tell myself I'll have to make at trip to an appropriate store (REI, for example) and join them. The run took me across a creek, ankle-deep, and to a dirt road with rolling hills and terrific vista-views.

     Airport IDI is JIMMY STEWART AIRPORT, INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 2013 April 25. When I was invited to give some talks at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), I arranged to fly a rental airplane with a local flight instructor. Trevor turned out to be a joy to fly with (not a big surprise) and we took a mini-tour of this part of western Pennsylvania.

     Airport N35 is PUNXSUTAWNY, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 2013 April 25. Trevor lives in Punxsutawny, home of famous Phil, the groundhog, and Gobblers Knob. It's not Times Square on New Year's, but some thirty thousand people show up here on February 2.

     Airport DUJ is DUBOIS, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 2013 April 25. Trevor took me here as well, north of Punxsutawny, pronounced with the S, Doo-Boys, not the French de-Bwah.

     Airport 9G8 is EBENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Once on 2013 April 25. Trevor finally took me here, another local airport and pretty town.

     Airport U009 is ROBBERS ROOST, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2013 May 24. Another Utah back-country airstrip not too far from Angel Point, a little short, a little soft, and a lot pretty.

     Airport U682 is ROCKLAND RANCH, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2013 May 25. The houses-in-the-rock community invited Caveman-fly-in pilots to join them for a tour and a bag lunch. They were good hosts and showed us their wonderful and interesting place.

     Airport U38 is WAYNE WONDERLAND, UTAH. Once on 2013 May 29. A quiet, high-altitude airport in a beautiful mountain setting, once I was going to check out Capitol Reef National Park from the air, I had to stop in here for a moment.

     Airport AZ50 is TRIANGLE AIRPARK, ARIZONA. Once on 2013 December 29. On a Breakfast-Club flight to Mesquite, Bruce invited me to join him for lunch at Rosie's Den here at Triangle Airpark. So I did on my way back from Mesquite to Deer Valley.

     Airport L90 is OCOTILLA, CALIFORNIA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2014 March 22. The people who make Carbon Cubs sponsored a back-country Olympics here with competition in short-field landings and takeoffs and flour-bomb drops. After competing once before, I realize that my Cherokee makes this a back-country special Olympics, so I came this time just to hang out with fun people. I ran a nice path around the inside of the airport while the quads and dirt bikes were going outside.

     Airport L08 is BORREGO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2014 March 22. A lot of people at the back-country Olympics at Ocotillo spent the night here, so I figured I would stop here and take a look.

     Airport TRM is COCHRAN (THERMAL), CALIFORNIA. Once on 2014 March 22. Once I was in the neighborhood, I decided to drop in here.

     Airport UDD is BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA. Once on 2014 March 22. This is a small airport along a railroad track and a freeway in a crowded neighborhood full of houses.

     Airport UTwf is WILLOW FLATS, UTAH (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2014 May 14. There are three airstrips in the Book Cliffs and I finally got up enough nerve (and enough good reports about airstrip condition) to land at this one.

     Airport GXY is GREELEY, COLORADO. Three times from 2014 July 31 to 2014 August 2. I had a flat front tire in Sand Wash which resulted in a propeller strike which means an engine teardown. That work was done by Beegles Aircraft here in Greeley.

     Airport 11V is EASTON/VALLEY VIEW, COLORADO (SOFT). Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport 18V is PLATTE VALLEY, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport FNL is FORT COLLINS-LOVELAND, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport 82V is PINE BLUFFS, WYOMING. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport IBM is KIMBALL/ARRAJ, NEBRASKA. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one. I didn't realize it was in another state at the time, but this is my first landing in Nebraska.

     Airport SNY is SYDNEYG/CARR, NEBRASKA. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport STK is STERLING, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport 7V5 is BRUSH, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport FMM is FORT MORGAN, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 1. Once I was in Greeley to pick up my airplane, I did an airport tour of the area, including this one.

     Airport 20V is McILROY, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 2. On the way back from Greeley to Deer Valley. I stopped in here because it looked interesting and I never landed here when I was flying in this area.

     Airport GWS is GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO. Once on 2014 August 2. On the way back from Greeley to Deer Valley. I stopped in here because it looked interesting. It's nestled in a narrow valley and looks scary enough that I see why I didn't land here when I was flying in this area as a 200 hour pilot.

     Airport AZ27 is BIG SPRINGS RANCH, ARIZONA (SOFT). Once on 2014 August 9. At a Breakfast Club fly-in I was invited to meet Mike and Diana who had me follow them here to their place.

     Airport U55 is PANGUITCH, UTAH. Four times from 2014 October 26 to 2024 October 27.

     Airport UT47 is GRASSY MEADOWS, UTAH (PRIVATE). Once on 2015 January 6. Right near Hurricane, this airpark is where a friend lives, so I stopped in to wave.

     Airport 18AZ is CAREFREE SKY RANCH, ARIZONA (PRIVATE). Five times from 2015 January 24 to 2016 January 3. I picked up a couple of friends at this airport, Brad and Kit who were organizing a trip to Furnace Creek.

     Airport RQE is WINDOW ROCK, ARIZONA. Twice on 2015 May 28 and 2016 July 16. I stopped here on my way from Deer Valley to Gateway-Hubbard. It's a couple of miles run (or drive) to the rock with the hole, and a couple of miles back, worth the effort.

     Airport 5V5 is SHIPROCK, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2015 May 28. I stopped here on my way from Deer Valley to Gateway-Hubbard.

     Airport N19 is AZTEC, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2015 May 28. I stopped here on my way from Deer Valley to Gateway-Hubbard.

     Airport 1V0 is NAVAJO LAKE, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2015 May 28. I stopped here on my way from Deer Valley to Gateway-Hubbard.

     Airport 00C is ANIMUS AIRPARK, COLORADO. Once on 2015 May 28. I stopped here on my way from Deer Valley to Gateway-Hubbard. The folks here were very friendly when I stopped for fuel.

     Airport CEZ is CORTEZ, COLORADO. Twice on 2015 May 28 and 2015 May 31. I stopped here on my way from Gateway-Hubbard back to Deer Valley.

     Airport NM56 is MYSTIC BLUFFS, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Four times from 2015 August 22 to 2021 August 15. They have a terrific fly-in event here with a terrific airstrip, beautiful scenery, and great people.

     Airport 13Q is JEWETT MESA, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2016 September 17. I stopped here on my way from Negrito back to Deer Valley.

     Airport MMPE is ROCKY POINT, MEXICO (TOWER). Once on 2016 November 19. A buddy suggested having breakfast on the beach in Mexico. He did all the paperwork, there were fees and forms to fill out, but we did enjoy our beach breakfast and this was my first time flying myself across an international border.

     Airport OLS is NOGALES, ARIZONA. Once on 2016 November 19. On the way back from Rocky Point to Deer Valley, this was the most convenient stop for customs.

     Airport 0AZ2 is WESTERN SKY, ARIZONA. Once on 2017 May 27. Near Indian Hills and Rancho Estrella this strip is a short drive from Salome, Arizona, a cute, small town with a nice breakfast place.

     Airport GNT is GRANT-MILAN, NEW MEXICO. Twice on 2017 June 3 and 2017 June 4. On the way to a wedding in La Veta, Colorado, we were going to stop in Gallup, but they were closed for runway repaving, so we ended up stopping here for fuel and a quick break.

     Airport 4V1 is SPANISH PEAKS, COLORADO. Twice on 2017 June 3 and 2017 June 4. The wedding was in La Veta, Colorado, but the airport there had no facilities, not even a tiedown, so we went to this airport for tiedown, overnight, and fuel.

     Airport 07V is CUCHARA VALLEY, COLORADO. Once on 2017 June 4. After spending the night in Spanish Peaks and being warned about this airport being in poor condition, we checked this airport out by car before landing here.

     Airport N24 is QUESTA, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2017 June 4. On our way back from Spanish Peaks to Deer Valley, we did a quick landing here.

     Airport RKS is ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING. Four times from 2017 August 19 to 2017 August 22. I decided to make my way to my eleventh total solar eclipse in my own airplane, about six hundred miles from my home. I made this airport my base of operations for the weekend and the folks here were delightful and helpful.

     Airport HSG is THERMOPOLIS HOT SPRINGS, WYOMING. Once on 2017 August 20. My eclipse friends from Pennsylvania, Utah, Ontario, and England were here, so I visited them the day before the eclipse itself.

     Airport RIW is RIVERTON, WYOMING. Once on 2017 August 21. Plan A for the total solar eclipse was here with Mud Lake, Idaho, being Plan B. Weather here wasn't perfect, there were some clouds in the sky, but forecasts were good and I stayed here where the folks were welcoming and well organized.

     Airport CPR is CASPER, WYOMING (TOWER). Once on 2017 August 21. An eclipse buddy from Bermuda was staying here so I visited him after the eclipse. With an astronomy conference ending as the eclipse was ending, there was a "conga line" about a mile long waiting for take off when I arrived. The controller in the tower was terrific about getting me in ("I'll land anywhere, another runway, a taxiway, whatever you want.") and she remembered me as I was leaving.

     Airport LAS is LAS VEGAS McCARRON, NEVADA (TOWER and CLASS-B). Twice on 2018 August 25 and 2018 August 26. This is a busy airport. The flying part wasn't that hard, some twists and turns coming in and out, but the taxiing part was lots of twists and turns and instructions coming at a million words per minute. My pilot buddy was all prepared with his airport diagram and he was overwhelmed.

     Airport ADG is LENAWEE, ADRIAN, MICHIGAN. Once on 2018 September 13. Low clouds appeared on what was going to be a day bouncing around Lake Erie, so I waited here for the clouds to lift. The folks here were quite nice, one delightful fireman fellow drove me to get lunch.

     Airport 19AZ is MONTEZUMA, ARIZONA. Three times from 2019 December 21 to 2022 May 14. Some pilot friends of mine moved here with their yellow Cherokee 235 (PA28-235) called "Tweety Bird."

     Airport TOA is ZAMPERINI, TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA. Twice on 2020 October 10 and 2020 October 11. I visited a friend near Torrance and landed here. The airspace was busy, as usual, and there was an overcast-to-broken layer of clouds. Air Traffic Control (ATC) was helpful, I found a hole, and we landed happily.

     Airport AZpw is PROPWASH RANCH, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Twice on 2020 November 21 and 2021 April 11. A new back-country airstrip in Arizona advertised their first fly-in breakfast. It's a mile and a half east of Flying J near Safford and the family that owns it was very nice to the guests. I look forward to coming back there.

     Airport AZ63 is TWIN HAWKS, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2021 April 4. Built in 1994 this airstrip had a fly-in event that a friend and I attended.

     Airport XNI is OTHOLE, NEW MEXICO. Once on 2022 August 27. When Mystic Bluffs was too muddy to land, I decided to go for a run at this airstrip. I was disappointed that there was an impassible gate not too far from the airport that would have required more-serious climbing than I was ready to do. A public-access airport should have a way to get out and, perhaps by a sign inside the airport with a gate code, a way to get back in.

     Airport AZmk is McKINLEY, ARIZONA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2022 November 26. This new airstrip is right on the edge of a restricted area, so it requires a tight pattern landing on Runway 6. The strip is short with power lines over one end, but the folks were friendly and my friend Zeke joined me at the fly-in event.

     Airport VEL is VERNAL, UTAH. Once on 2022 December 23. Given the back-country airstrips were snow covered or likely had been snow covered, I decided to expand my horizons on this Utah trip by landing at this airport north of Green River.

     Airport 74V is ROOSEVELT, UTAH. Once on 2022 December 23. Given the back-country airstrips were snow covered or likely had been snow covered, I decided to expand my horizons on this Utah trip by landing at this airport north of Green River.

     Airport U69 is DUCHESNE, UTAH. Once on 2022 December 23. Given the back-country airstrips were snow covered or likely had been snow covered, I decided to expand my horizons on this Utah trip by landing at this airport north of Green River.

     Airport TDZ is TOLEDO EXECUTIVE, OHIO. Once on 2023 February 12. With Dan Sadoski who knows the western-Lake-Erie area quite well, I had a truly enjoyable time with instructor Cameron Denker seeing four new airports near Toledo, Ohio.

     Airport PCW is ERIE-OTTAWA, OHIO. Once on 2023 February 12. With Dan Sadoski who knows the western-Lake-Erie area quite well, I had a truly enjoyable time with instructor Cameron Denker seeing four new airports near Toledo, Ohio.

     Airport ONZ is GROSSE ISLE, MICHIGAN. Once on 2023 February 12. With Dan Sadoski who knows the western-Lake-Erie area quite well, I had a truly enjoyable time with instructor Cameron Denker seeing four new airports near Toledo, Ohio.

     Airport TOL is TOLEDO EXPRESS, OHIO (TOWER). Once on 2023 February 12. With Dan Sadoski who knows the western-Lake-Erie area quite well, I had a truly enjoyable time with instructor Cameron Denker seeing four new airports near Toledo, Ohio.

     Airport NZAR is ARDMORE, NEW ZEALAND. Once on 2023 April 26. I flew with local instructor Saghar Singh out of this airport in in Papakura, New Zealand to see some of the north island from the air.

     Airport NZAA is AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Once on 2023 April 26. After leaving Aardmore and flying around some of the north-island scenery, Saghar and I landed at this airport.

     Airport CAam is AMBOY, CALIFORNIA (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2024 February 24.

     Airport NM16 is SACATON, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2024 September 15. on 2024 September 15. On one of our New-Mexico-back-country adventures my flight-instructor friend Tyler and I went into this airstrip.

     Airport NM54 is RAINY MESA, NEW MEXICO (SOFT and BACK-COUNTRY). Once on 2024 September 15. I had heard of this airstrip and finally, on one of our New-Mexico-back-country adventures my flight-instructor friend Tyler and I went here.

     Airport CDC is CEDER CITY, UTAH. Twice on 2024 October 26 and 2024 October 27. As Bryce Canyon has no rental cars anymore, not even Turo, and the shuttle buses had shut down for the season, the only option was a car rental. After Xpress in Kanab ripped me off for over $3000 for damage they knew I didn't do, this was my closest option. The good news is the eighty-minute trip from here to there was a beautiful drive.

     Airport 1L9 is PAROWAN, UTAH. Once on 2024 October 27. Once we did the detour to Ceder City for our rental car to Bryce Canyon National Park, Tyler and I decided to do an airport tour of the area including stops here, Panguich, and Bryce Canyon on our way back home to Falcon Field.