American belief in these two things, especially the first, has supported most of the terrible things that have happened in our world in the past century. They have eaten away the fabric of our country like acid on metal and have spread like flesh-eating disease under the skin of my country. With good intentions perhaps, many Americans believe in these values as I do not believe in them, but there shouldn't be doubt about the their consequences in history.
Before we worry about which candidates or which programs or which legislation or which causes we support, it is my well-thought-out conclusion that we need to reject these two values as a nation. We need to accept our founding values that it is always terribly wrong to take by force anything for the purpose of giving it to somebody else and that race or sex should never be a political value among free men, now all people. Calling forced redistribution and government racism virtues in the face of the horrors they have created is the irony of laughing at a victim's pain.
If you care about something, then give of yourself to make it better. If you care enough about something, then convince others to help. If you want to end hate, prejudice, and discrimination, then treat people as equals and get friends and institutions to do the same. That's where the right, decent, moral path ends, as history has taught us so well.
All the rest really isn't that important. Guns, abortion, gay marriage, "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, Common Core, health care, flag burning, drug legalization, a bad haircut, and illegal immigration are minor points after these two ideas.
Even the presentation of pseudo-science as political fact from eugenics and an impending ice age to the ozone layer and global warming, as damaging as it has been and with the horrors it has created, is less important than these two principles.
It's easy, then, isn't it? We have a moral compass available to us. Any program that supports forced-contribution is evil, whether from Stalin or Sanders, and any program that supports racism is evil, whether forced segregation or Affirmative Action, even when they're cloaked in good-speak words like "helping the poor" or "diversity." They're wrong from first principles of any decent morality, they haven't turned out well, and, most important perhaps, they won't turn out well in the future.
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