Hillsdale College
is the last private college in the United States,
so far as I know.
All the others have sucked up to the U.S. government,
accepted race and sex quotas,
and teach approved values
to get government funding.
Hillsdale decided
they would accept their student body on its merits,
teach traditional American values based in liberty,
and reach out to private contributors like me
for their funding.
Their newsletter,
is an excellent introduction to these values.
I do not agree with everything they say,
but I find their viewpoint close enough to my own
that I support Hillsdale College vigorously.
The United States government prides itself
on being a two-party system.
The larger of these two parties is the
Democratic-Republican Party
that supports steady growth of government,
increasing regulatory control of our lives,
and an economy dictated by federal authority.
The smaller of these two parties is
the Libertarian Party
that believes that
most of what our government does for us
we can do better and cheaper for ourselves
and that
our government does more to us than for us.
consider government a necessary evil
and some consider government an unnecessary evil,
but we all agree that less of it is better for all of us.
I have many friends who do not have web pages.
(If you are a friend of mine who does
have a web page you would like on this list,
then please let me know.
Also, if you are on this list and would prefer not to be,
then, also, please let me know.)
14:15:39 Mountain Standard Time
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