Adam Weblog

The Adam Weblog for 2025

Adam N. Rosenberg
2025 February 4, Tuesday

1 2025
   1.1 2025 January
       1.1.1 2025 January 1 - Happy New Year
       1.1.2 2025 January 1 - From "Law and Order"
       1.1.3 2025 January 3 - Moab Pictures and Videos
       1.1.4 2025 January 4 - Aviation Day of Joy
       1.1.5 2025 January 7 - The Gloomiest Week of the Year
       1.1.6 2025 January 11 - Making Cool Friends
       1.1.7 2025 January 14 - Retired from Clear Demand
       1.1.8 2025 January 17 - Car Crash - Ouch!
       1.1.9 2025 January 19 - Smart People Conversation
       1.1.10 2025 January 21 - Recovering and Relaxing
       1.1.11 2025 January 23 - Itzhak Perlman
       1.1.12 2025 January 25 - The Texas Tenors

1 2025

   1.1 2025 January

       1.1.1 2025 January 1 - Happy New Year

   A Happy New Year to all my web-page readers. I'm told the fitness gyms are packed wall to wall for the first two weeks in January with people who swear that this year they're going to stay in shape.

   My New Year Resolution is going to be keeping up my weblog pages. Time will tell how well I do with it.

   Here is a link directly to the most-recent entry.

       1.1.2 2025 January 1 - From "Law and Order"

   I love the television show "Law and Order," especially the inter-generational, inter-cultural banter, usually around Detective Lenny Briscoe and his younger colleages.
Lenny Briscoe: I always wanted to learn guitar.
Ed Green: Actually it's a bass, a Rickenbacker.
Lenny Briscoe: Is that good?
Ed Green: It was good enough for Elvis.
Lenny Briscoe: Now you're talking my generation.
Ed Green: Actually, that's Elvis Costello.
Lenny Briscoe: Who's on first?

       1.1.3 2025 January 3 - Moab Pictures and Videos

   Okay, the trip was last year, 2024 December 20-22, but I finally got Tyler's drone videos and put them all together on a web page with links to the daily pictures, my hand-held flying videos, and, now, Tyler's drone videos. The drone videos are fantastic and, alas, they are also quite large, large enough to tax some people's download speeds. So I have the link to a smaller version and then a "(large)" link to the full-size video. There are also drone videos from an early trip, 2024 October 26-27, to Bryce Canyon.

       1.1.4 2025 January 4 - Aviation Day of Joy

   Flying friend Shanley invited me and other flying friend Tyler to a brunch gathering of her local Phoenix chapter of the Ninety-Nines in beautiful-red-rocks Sedona (SEZ). We flew up together in my Piper Cherokee N8377W and had a delightful breakfast with good company where we were welcome guests at their table. There was talk of airplanes and airports and flying and careers and other aviation subjects. It was great.

   As we were leaving Sedona we bumped into the Sedona chapter of the Ninety-Nines who also were having a meeting at Sedona Airport (SEZ) and I got to see both groups taking a big group photo.

   On the way back to Falcon Field Airport (FFZ) we passed a local back-country airstrip called Red Creek, the shortest runway in Arizona where I land my Cherokee. "I'm not saying it's where angels fear to tread, but they step lightly in these scary places." Looking down on this seldom-inhabited aviation landmark we saw an airplane on the side of the runway, so we decided they might want company.

   Radio calls unanswered, we flew over the airstrip to let them know we were landing, they waved at us, we waggled our wings, I did a nice landing there, and our now new friends taxied over to greet us. Matt is into aviation fire fighting and agriculture, aviation careers outside the airlines or the flight schools, and interesting topics for young pilots like Shanley and Tyler, who are curious about careers in aviation. It was a delightful conversation and we admired his cool Piper SuperCub.

   When we were coming back to Falcon the radio sounded like a rapid-fire square-dance caller and I was anticipating having to find five free seconds to call my position and intentions, "Falcon Tower, Cherokee November Eight Three Seven Seven Whiskey, inbound with [radio information] Echo, south parking." The last is squeezed in there in the hope that the guys in the tower will be kind enough to let us land on the south runway further from where we are but closer to where we park so we don't have to cross the south runway on the ground.

   Air traffic controllers are usually pretty amazing and they handle a lot of airplanes. At so-called general-aviation airports like Falcon they're handling lots of less-experienced pilots which is a lot more stressful than sequencing airline pilots who have thousands of hours and recent training and who fly all the time with their excellent radio skills.

   It's an interesting relationship between pilots and controllers and usually it works very well. We cede control of our immediate destiny to controllers after telling them what we want and their job is to get everybody where they want to be safely and quickly. It's like police where we give them control so they can keep us safe and happy. Whatever you may think of how good or bad police-civilian relationships are in your town, I have found air traffic controllers are my friends in the air.

   Well, this time was above and beyond. Just as I was anticipating introducing myself on the radio, the point where we pilots tells controllers who we are, where we are, and what we want to do, I heard on the radio, "November Eight Three Seven Seven Whiskey, do you park on the south side?"

   I sat up with a start. Not only had I not introduced myself to this frantically-busy tower controller, so he must have been looking at the tracks on the traffic display (where on earth did he find the time to look for me?), but he also remembered I parked on the south side and I might want to use the south runway, not the nearer north runway nearer my current position. So I answered, "Seven Seven Whiskey, yes, please."

   "Seven Seven Whiskey, fly to the confluence (a known reporting point for Falcon pilots) for extended base leg to Runway Two Two Left."

   Wow, yes sir, "Seven Seven Whiskey, fly to the confluence, thank you."

   After being cleared to land and landing, I was able to get off the runway quickly (to help him with traffic behind me) and, as an encore, he gave me taxi instructions to get to my parking space so I didn't have to call the equally-busy ground controller. We did find a gap in the radio chatter to thank the controllers for doing a kick-ass job for us.

   The whole day was pleasant, wonderful, and surreal.

       1.1.5 2025 January 7 - The Gloomiest Week of the Year

   The solstices are the longest and shortest days of the year, summer being the most daylight hours and winter being the fewest. However, the earth's orbit is not a circle but an ellipse, the earth is tilted on its axis, and the result is an effect called "The Equation of Time" in some books.

   The result is the winter solstice is neither the earliest sunset, usually around December 7, nor the latest sunrise, usually around January 7, check out the analemma for more details. So, for morning people like me, especially morning people that like to ride a bicycle and don't like doing it at night at my more-advanced age, that makes this week the gloomiest week of the year. At least there's nowhere to go but brighter mornings until sometime around June 7.

       1.1.6 2025 January 11 - Making Cool Friends

   This one isn't really my story, but I got to enjoy the moment today. My buddy Tyler was playing some video game online, I'm older and I don't play these games (although I did go through a bunch of first-person virtual-reality games like "Castle Wolfenstein" and "Doom" and "Heretic" a few decades ago), and he met a fellow Hayden. This fellow was Out There in Cyberspace, who knows where, some user handle in an Internet universe.

   The same gregarity that got Tyler and me to become friends from a chance meeting from a flat tire he got at another airport got Tyler and Hayden to ask the next questions. These are questions like "Where do you live?" and "Can we meet in real life?"

   Well, the short version is they did meet, they have other interests in common, and I got to meet Hayden today on a flight to meet another friend for breakfast out in the Middle of Nowhere, the Wayside Oasis restaurant at Alamo Lake in western Arizona. He is truly a delightful and interesting person. Not all my friends of friends interest me, but this one does and I look forward to future meetings.

       1.1.7 2025 January 14 - Retired from Clear Demand

   It looks like my time has come, at least so far as Clear Demand is concerned. Jim and I started Clear Demand in 2011 October and incorporated in 2012 April, thirteen years ago. With a combination of our very-different knowledge and insights we became a serious force in retail science and we made eight or ten clients a lot of money. With my usual lack of aw-shucks modesty, my phenomenal ability to turn good ideas (my own ideas and those of other people) into working, practical, production-quality software made our success happen. We sold the company to M3 in 2024 June, M3 bought a retail-competitor-data company BungeeTech soon after, and the combination should be a stronger, more-complete company, still called Clear Demand.

   Where the company is going is different enough that my role as an employee is coming to an end. My last day is today and, going forward, my connection with Clear Demand will be less and different.

   There is opportunity for me to give advice and to answer questions and maybe to do work with Jim Sills.

   I hope to get more exercise with longer bike rides and to continue my aggressive (I consider eighty concerts a year "aggressive") concert season, enjoying my vinyl and tape collection on my hifi, flying my airplane with friends to wonderful places, seeing total solar eclipses with Barcelona (2026) and Luxor (2027) on my planning horizon, and enjoying my family and friends.

       1.1.8 2025 January 17 - Car Crash - Ouch!

   I was driving home in my new, ten-week-old Volkswagon Golf GTI from dinner at the home of friends northbound in the left lane of Hayden Road in Scottsdale. (I was in the left lane rather then the center lane because there had been some traffic in the center lane.) All of a sudden a red car appears to my right making a left turn "across my bow" not stopping, just moving directly into my path. I hit the brakes hard figuring I would stop before impact, that didn't happen, I heard a crash, and, the next thing I knew, my car was stopped and I was surrounded by white airbags. I slithered my way out of the car and walked around. My front end was completely destroyed, "squished in," and the other car was on its side with people inside. Needless to say, the primary effort of the police and fire folks was getting them out of their car to safety. Here are my pictures after the crash.

   A delightful, and delightfully redheaded, paramedic named Monica chatted with me for a while and reported to me, and to others I presume, that I showed no symptoms of anything other than impending soreness. I asked specifically about apparent vocabulary or memory issues, slurred speech, anything like that, and she said I seemed fine. Monica assured me I could still go to a hospital then, or tomorrow if I felt bad then.

   After a bunch of forms professionally and politely offered by police, who also were nice enough to get my stuff from my car for me, I walked to a nearby petrol station and took a Lyft ride home.

   My neck and lower-right ribs are uncomfortable. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow.

       1.1.9 2025 January 19 - Smart People Conversation

   I have some smart people in my professional and social life and I never stop enjoying dialogue with them.

   It's a myth that reasoned conversation reliably reaches consensus. You know the message that if we keep cool heads and discuss something reasonably that we will reach a common-good conclusion. Even if every party is reasonably intelligent the result can still be back-and-forth babble not getting anywhere useful or interesting.

   It's especially difficult when the two people involved have different cadences. I'm smart, Charles is smart, but I'm quick and Charlies isn't. When we have conversations I have to remember that Charles will get it, but it will take him fifteen seconds to one minute to get what I get in two or three seconds. That doesn't make me smarter, only faster, and I have to remember to wait the extra time for his equally-valid, equally-insightful ideas to emerge. Charles and I have been having conversations for forty-seven years and we have worked it out.

   There are media like email that allow for each step to be reasoned carefully where an extra five minutes doesn't impeded communication. A conversation shouldn't feel like a chess game with a ticking clock.

   I was having one of those politically-relevant math converations with Baxter. It was about voting schemes. We are both frustrated that the current election process, with or without the Electoral College, pretty-much guarantees victory for one of the two big parties even when a third party actually has more popular support. It's not a new issue nor is this a new discussion for us, but the subject is especially topical right after a major U.S.-Presidential election.

   My scheme is algorithmically consise, people submit a list of preferred candidates, intially any U.S. native-born citizen over thirty-five years of age. We take everbody's first choice on the list of candidates, rank order the candidates by that count, and keep enough candidates for half the vote. Usually we expect one candidate to get half the vote and it's over. Otherwise we keep just the candidates that total half the vote and repeat the process with people's first choices on the new, much-shorter list. We repeat until only one candidate is left. In the case where most people prefer D or R it comes out the same as now, but supposing there is strong support for some third party, we would see that support in official ballot counts because people could vote their Libertarian or Green or other choice first knowing their D-vs.-R choice would still affect the outcome.

   His scheme is to have people vote just YES or NO for each of those same initial list. In practice they could list up to, say, five names. We're interested in the case where there are two, three, or four candidates a voter prefers rather than having vote lists like every U.S. citizen except one person.

   There were points in our recent discussion where we debated the notion of numerical-score voting where my hope-he-wins candidate gets a score of one, my hope-he-loses candidate gets a score of minus one, and some third party candidate gets some numerical score reflecting the voter's confort with that candidate. I rebelled strenuously on that one claiming I might trust people to state a preference but not to say they liked one candidate some numerical amount more than another.

   Baxter's scheme was that people would list their acceptable candidates for office and whoever got the highest number, regardless of rank among a voter's choices, wins the election.

   At the end, I said, "Look, in the current scheme of things, we would both be mostly satisfied if we could name one or two candidates for President of the United States and in my scheme the two-choices voter expresses a preference and in your scheme the voter just lists both names."

   What made it cool with a converation between two smart people is there was clear recognition that this captured the essence of our difference. I find myself in conversation with less-smart people we get enmired in details and I find myself unable to communicate essential differences amid a flurry of minor issues.

   I'm a smart person, no mystery there, and I use other people's ideas well which makes me smarter. Maybe another part of smartness is being able to codify the essential difference in a discussion. Of course that requires both parties in the discussion be listening.

   Thank you, Baxter, for being a friend who gets it.

       1.1.10 2025 January 21 - Recovering and Relaxing

   My neck is a lot less sore from my accident on Friday night, my lower-right rib is still tender, so I'm not doing my twice-daily plank exercises or riding my bicycle yet. I plan to see my doctor soon to check things out, but I figure I'll wait a couple more days, once because I want to see how I'm doing after about a week and again because I tend to procrastinate. (I keep meaning to look up "procrastinate" and I keep putting it off.)

   Meanwhile I'm enjoying my life of leisure to catch up on home-computer-system issues, tools I use that don't work quite the way I want. There are some new projects I'm going to start soon. (There's that procrastination bit again.)

   One project I'm starting is transcribing my old "master" tapes to high-bit-rate digital. During my graduate-school days in 1980 and 1981 I recorded about forty big-reel tapes (Ten inch reels of 1-mil tape, 48 minutes at 15 inches/second (38 cm/sec)) of local jazz in and around Stanford, really sweet recordings with the life and energy of live music and the musical resolution and spatial imaging of only-two-microphone stereo recording. There were Maxell-brand reels which are pristine and wonderful, no problems there, and I'm starting with those. There are also Ampex Grandmaster-456 reels that have succumbed to Sticky Tape Syndrome where they get all gooey and can't be played the way they are. It turns out they can be baked in an oven at 60° C (140° F) for twelve hours, left for a day, and then played for the next two or three days. That window is wide enough not only to make digital copies at high resolution (24 bit depth at 96K samples/second resolution, "24/96" in geek-speak, I made compact-disk (CD) 16/44 copies of these tapes twenty years ago and they're pretty good) but also to copy them onto Maxell reels I bought from The Tape Warehouse in Atlanta twenty years ago. That means I get to listen to these wonderful moments from my past, more than forty years ago.

       1.1.11 2025 January 23 - Itzhak Perlman

   We normally think of violinist Itzhak Perlman as being a classical musician with exquisite interpretations of the great composers. On the Mendelssohn-piano-trios compact disk (CD) his name gets more than half the album cover, mostly because "Ax" and "Ma" are such shorter names than "Perlman."

   This concert was different. He was in a band called "Fiddler's House" where they played Jewish music from eastern Europe centered around 1875, a decade before seven of my eight great-grandparents left that area. It was fun to hear the music and the banter and the stories.

   In a world ripe with strife it was wonderful to have a concert celebrating Jewish tradition without politics. The joy of the music and the culture and, of course, the food was the message and the audience had fun with it as well.

   One of the fun moments was a brief discussion of the piano part of the group. These people were nomadic enough that they tended to play instruments they could carry with them and the piano doesn't quite fit that bill. One voice mentioned electric keyboards and it was pointed out there weren't a lot of electric keyboards one hundred and fifty years go.

   There was talk of good times and good matzo-ball soup and wonderful weddings. It was a good evening all around.

       1.1.12 2025 January 25 - The Texas Tenors

   The Texas Tenors is three men singing with a band, a little religous and a lot American patriotic with a variety of other sorts of music, a lot of fun for me. They are regulars at Chandler Center for the Arts and at Musicfest.

   Two years ago, 2023 January 21, they did a concert at Chandler. One of them, Marcus, often goes out into the auditorium and interacts with members of the audience and, this time, he stopped by my aisle seat and started doing something atop my head. I figured if he was going to do something terrible there would be close to two thousand witnesses, so I kept still. After about a minute he asked for my cell phone and took a selfie of him and me after he had done my hair into a ridge line. There isn't much to work with up there, but he did the job and, in the lobby after the show, several people came up to me and said, "you're the hair-do guy!"

   Fast forward two years to 2025 January 25 and a woman named Luanne comes up to me, my gray hair looking its normal sparse way, and said, "you're the hair-do guy from two years ago!" She even had pictures from back then on her cell phone.

   She's from Dallas and her son and his wife both work in the arts in the Phoenix Valley of the Sun, I saw the daughter-in-law at the Phoenix Symphony a few days later, and it was fun all around. When I said "hi" to him two years later I don't think Marcus knew me from, well, you know, but it will still fun all around.

Today is 2025 February 5, Wednesday,
7:55:11 Mountain Standard Time (MST).
572 visits to this web page.