1997 December 1, 4ys-kz6.jpg * Solar eclipse billboard
2006 April 5, Wednesday, 5s5-kvw.jpg * 2006 eclipse trip -- Qadhafi billboard
2006 April 5, Wednesday, 5s5-kvx.jpg * 2006 eclipse trip -- Qadhafi billboard
2006 April 5, Wednesday, 5s5-kxq.jpg * 2006 eclipse trip -- Tripoli -- Qadhafi billboard
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-ly2.jpg * eclipse - Shanghai - Bund - morning run - Seiko billboard
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-nk0.jpg * eclipse - Shanghai - maglev train billboard
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s54.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - getting ready for eclipse - Bill's camera and mine
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s55.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill Spears getting ready for eclipse
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s56.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill Spears getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s57.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill and Adam
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s58.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s59.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s5v.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s60.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s61.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s62.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill's stuff
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s64.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s65.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s6b.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-s6r.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill watching
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-sa0.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill and his gear
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-sa3.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - final moments, Bill and his gear
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-sal.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - afterward - Bill and his stuff
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-sb5.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - afterward - Bill Spears and his eclipse list
2008 August 3, Sunday, 6l3-sbd.jpg * eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - afterward - Bill and his gear
2009 July 25, Saturday, 6xr-59o.jpg * China eclipse - Li River boat tour - 20yuan bill back
2009 July 25, Saturday, 6xr-59s.jpg * China eclipse - Li River boat tour - 20 yuan bill picture (the good one)
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q0s.jpg * Uganda - Chobe Safari Lodge - Bill S eclipse-history board
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q0t.jpg * Uganda - Chobe Safari Lodge - Bill S eclipse-history board
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q12.jpg * Uganda - drive to eclipse - billboards
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q2k.jpg * Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S and Adam
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q4h.jpg * Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q4l.jpg * Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S
2013 November 3, Sunday, 8f3-q5j.jpg * Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S eclipse board
2013 November 9, Saturday, 8f9-29e.jpg * Uganda - Entebbe - Protea Hotel - Norma, Don J, Bill S - Donald Liebenberg - the 1973 Concorde eclipse fellow
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tia.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tib.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tie.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tif.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tig.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tii.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-til.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare's list of eclipses
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tio.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tj4.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tj6.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare and Adam
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tjb.jpg * Bill Speare's eclipse board
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tjc.jpg * Bill Speare using his eclipse-viewing board
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tjd.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare and Adam +++
2016 March 9, Wednesday, 999-tje.jpg * Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare and Adam
2017 August 20, Sunday, 9sl-v4n.jpg * Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Phil, Bill
2017 August 20, Sunday, 9sl-v4q.jpg * Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Phil, Bill
2017 August 20, Sunday, 9sl-v4x.jpg * Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Bill Speare
2017 August 20, Sunday, 9sl-v56.jpg * Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Howard, Bill, Ron
2017 August 20, Sunday, 9sl-v5d.jpg * Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Kim, Bill
2024 April 3, Wednesday, c43-0tn.jpg * bus to eclipse talk - fake $100 bill

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1 2u1. Solar eclipse billboard
2 5rv. 2006 eclipse trip -- Qadhafi billboard
3 5rv. 2006 eclipse trip -- Qadhafi billboard
4 5rw. 2006 eclipse trip -- Tripoli -- Qadhafi billboard
5 6ku. eclipse - Shanghai - Bund - morning run - Seiko billboard
6 6kv. eclipse - Shanghai - maglev train billboard
7 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - getting ready for eclipse - Bill's camera and mine
8 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill Spears getting ready for eclipse
9 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill Spears getting ready
10 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill and Adam
11 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
12 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
13 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
14 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
15 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
16 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill's stuff
17 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
18 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
19 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill getting ready
20 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill watching
21 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - Bill and his gear
22 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - final moments, Bill and his gear
23 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - afterward - Bill and his stuff
24 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - afterward - Bill Spears and his eclipse list
25 6l1. eclipse - Jiayuguan - Gobi Desert - afterward - Bill and his gear
26 6xq. China eclipse - Li River  boat tour - 20yuan bill back
27 6xq. China eclipse - Li River  boat tour - 20 yuan bill picture (the good one)
28 8f3. Uganda - Chobe Safari Lodge - Bill S eclipse-history board
29 8f3. Uganda - Chobe Safari Lodge - Bill S eclipse-history board
30 8f3. Uganda - drive to eclipse - billboards
31 8f3. Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S and Adam
32 8f3. Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S
33 8f3. Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S
34 8f3. Uganda - eclipse site - Bill S eclipse board
35 8f8. Uganda - Entebbe - Protea Hotel - Norma, Don J, Bill S - Donald Liebenberg - the 1973 Concorde eclipse fellow
36 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
37 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
38 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
39 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
40 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
41 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse by Bill Kramer
42 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare's list of eclipses
43 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
44 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare
45 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare and Adam
46 999. Bill Speare's eclipse board
47 999. Bill Speare using his eclipse-viewing board
48 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare and Adam +++
49 999. Makassar Straight total solar eclipse - Bill Speare and Adam
50 9sl. Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Phil, Bill
51 9sl. Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Phil, Bill
52 9sl. Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Bill Speare
53 9sl. Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Howard, Bill, Ron
54 9sl. Thermopolis El Rancho Motel - eclipse friends - Kim, Bill
56 a24. bus to eclipse talk - fake $100 bill

