1. Based on the values that make us Americans what we are,
taking life, liberty, livelihood, and property
by force from one group of people to help another is wrong.
We make it work with voluntary exchange and donations
or we accept the pain.
One person's misfortune or choice
does not lay claim on other people.
The alternative is a slippery slope
that has led to horror we don't ever want to risk here.
2. Disease forecasts have always been tentative
and they have always started high and come down to reasonable numbers.
If the weatherman predicts a blizzard every single morning
and most of the days are pleasant and sunny,
then we learn not to panic from the scary forecast.
We should learn the same in disease forecasts.
3. On top of that,
the partisan politics should be an obvious warning about COVID-19.
(In various fora and media
Democrats have said it's important to bring our economy
down to pre-Trump levels so he will lose in 2020.)
The folks that brought us political pseudo-science panic
about eugenics, an impending ice age,
acid rain, mercury poisoning, the ozone layer,
global warming, and climate change
with experts like Margaret Sanger, Al Gore,
Bill Nye, and Greta Thunberg
are now telling us to be afraid of Corona virus.
Isn't it strange that every liberal Democrat you know believes
in the absolute threat of COVID-19 and the urgency of forced lock-down
while every conservative Republican you know says its risk should be
a matter of personal choice?
(Isn't Greta Thunberg presented as an expert
enough to make it obvious this pandemic is political?)
4. We should always start with skepticism and back into belief.
When we react to every observed change or concern as a crisis,
then we make terrible mistakes.
History is full of examples.
5. The open dishonesty of our news media should make us
even more skeptical.
There have been poignant word pictures of people suffering
from Corona virus, dying agonized deaths
as hospitals are pictured with long lines
so they are unable to offer healthcare services.
When people I knew, and some I didn't know,
visited those same hospitals,
they found empty emergency rooms
with personnel being furloughed for lack of work to do.
6. The bias from hospitals is extreme.
Not only were they deprived of their usual revenue
from sick people with something other than Corona virus,
they were given significant incentive to report COVID-19
and significantly more if they intubated COVID-19 patients.
I know people who fought to have COVID-19 not reported on
death certificates for people who clearly died of something else.
7. Finally, look at our own personal experience.
I've talked to a lot of people who have looked for this disease.
For a disease alleged to be so prevalent it's sure hard to find.
Nobody I know has it,
nobody I know and trust knows anybody who has it,
and I've talked to medical people who can't find it.
The only evidence I've seen
for even the existence of COVID-19
came from a pulmonologist who has hospital privileges.
(I first met her when I was a lung patient there.)
I'm not suggesting anecdote trump science,
but when the rest of the Corona story is already flaky,
when reports from news and other media are obviously false,
I rely on what I can see for myself.
8. Back to the disease.
I'm told it's a "dry" virus so a mask
that lets air through likely will
let Corona virus through as well.
Flu travels in droplets of water,
so a mask helps prevent spread of flu, but not COVID-19.
I'm told it doesn't live long on surfaces or in the air,
so a closed door and clean hands are enough to stay safe.
9. So how much risk is this disease?
It might be as bad as the flu, maybe a little worse.
The numbers taken at face value suggest that,
but if we figure in the bullshit factor,
a count of 100 thousand dead becomes something quite less,
maybe ten thousand, maybe less.
In the shadow of the death rate from all kinds of ailments
we face as mortal beings,
this disease is just a small increment.
Hong Kong flu was much worse in 1969,
we didn't call it "social distancing" back then,
we called it "Woodstock" instead.
The Asian flu of 1957 was even worse.
Neither provoked this kind of political stupidity,
but neither was in an election year where
Donald Trump was likely to be re-elected.
10. Lock-down policies in the United States
have wreaked havoc in terrible ways.
The direct picture is loss of liberty for 328 million,
loss of livelihood for 38 million or more,
and resulting loss of life for some fraction of those.
My poignant pictures are not the few patients
suffering from Corona virus,
or even the far fewer not alreadly dying of something else
claimed to be suffering from Corona virus.
Instead I see tens of millions of young people
just starting out, still living paycheque to paycheque,
counting on their lives being free of ripples and change
for just a few more years while they get on their financial feet.
They're now unable to pay their rent or their medical and dental bills.
I see families burdened by taxes paying for schools
and trying to take care of their children forced to stay at home.
I see victims of domestic abuse
with no place to go and
getting the shit kicked out of them.
I heard firsthand about children with disabilities denied access
to the equipment they need at schools
with their parents who worked at Denny's until restaurants closed.
I know people with small businesses
who are hanging on mightily through the lock-down
and who are unable to pay their employees or even their rent.
The local strip mall has a row of empty units
where stores used to be just two months ago.
Unlike the thought experiment of a pandemic that hasn't happened
and is highly unlikely ever to happen,
this suffering is real, right in our faces.
Economically speaking,
we're almost as badly off as we were in 2016 when Trump was elected.
It's that bad.
10. Once given the power to make choices about a scary sickness,
will government make good choices?
What were you thinking?
And what on earth makes you think this panic-pandemic
is going to be any different than all the other government fuck-ups?
11. What were the reasons for lock-down?
The disease was virulent, masks wouldn't help,
the disease was highly contageous, and its mortality was high.
The argument for lock-down is one of ratios.
The disease is big and scary and exponential.
If the death are doubling every week without restraint,
as the early models always seem to assume,
then millions will die in May and billions will die in June
and who knows what horror July will bring.
How bad can a few tens of millions of people
plunged into pitiful poverty be compared to that terror?
12. If we are comparing lives to lives,
trying to trade off Lives From Column A
against Lives From Column B,
then remember the people at risk from lock-down
are young people with life expentancies in the sixty-year range
while those who actually get COVID-19 are typically old, sick people
with life expentances of about five years.
(If somebody is going to create a disease hoax,
or to over-amplify an existing new disease,
isn't it easiest to blame it
for deaths that are already going to happen?)
So when we do the total-lives-vs.-total-lives comparison,
let's not forget to count that part, too.
13. But here's the thing that bothers me the most.
Is trading certain suffering now against possible pain later
the sort of game we should be playing?
That was the argument used for all kinds of horrors
by terrible leaders like
Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Pol Pot, Mao, and Mugabe.
Is it really right to take two kidneys from somebody we don't like
to save two renal patients we like?
This sort of tradeoff goes to horrible places
and I'm sure I don't want to go there.
14. The massive lock-down forced sacrifice of
liberty, livelihood, and lives
potentially to save a million lives is wrong.
If it's worth doing, then it's worth doing voluntarily.
We can get there, we can make it happen.
It won't make the politicians happy,
expecially the liberals who brought us all the other pseudo-science
that has caused so much pain in the past 150 years,
but we can do it.
15. Of course, the irony is that maybe a few hundred lives
were at risk to be saved by forced lock-down.
If the disease is dangerous and we're told it's dangerous,
then only risk to those who stay home, wash their hands,
disinfect their surfaces, and avoid sex with strangers
should count in the tradeoff.
Given what we now know, how many lives could that be?
16. I learned how evil many of my friends can be.
We did great harm to a lot of young people
to save a few lives most of which are going to end soon anyway.
They are willing to do harm here and now
to further a possibly-greater good later and elsewhere.
Like in that episode "The Shelter"
of The Twilight Zone,
we found out what horrible things our political neighbors
will happily do to us just to avoid getting sick or,
even worse,
just to pander to the fear of getting sick.
At the time they favored lock-downs
we had a few hundred reported fatalities and fearsome forecasts.
On a scale where zero is following
the moral mandate in point (1) above
and one hundred is being comfortable with Stalin and Hitler
lining up people at mass graves and killing them all
for the greater good of their empires,
being in favor of lock-down for a pandemic
that has only few fatalities so far
is about seventy-five.
I consider the actual death toll of Corona virus
a minor player in moral ethics here.
17. I also learned how muddled the perceptions of
people of progressive political persuasion can be.
They mix up Consititution values and property rights
with voluntary risk and forcing harm upon people
and say their silly slogans with such sickening sanctimony on Facebook.
Of course a store can require masks,
whether they work or not,
and, equally of course, I don't have to shop there.
I realize I'm smarter than most people,
even smarter than most people of my credentials
(I never said I was modest),
but there's a certainly level of cognition
even relatively-average people should be able to attain.
At the very least,
those who can't figure out the difference between
requiring a mask and forcing a business to close
probably should keep quiet about it.
18. In the end, with all the damage lock-down has done,
with whatever damage this virus may have done,
the biggest damage may be that of letting our government
restrain our rights to assembly and commerce by force.
Just as historians looking back to pick the dates
of the beginnings of enemy empires,
they may pick sometime in 2020 March
as the final ending date of the vision
that grew from 1215 to 1789
and culminated in the
Constitution of the United States of America.
19. I reject the "New Normal."
The Old Normal had a world economy feeding most of its people
for the first time in human history.
In the United States
the past three years of the Old Normal
brought us from an economic state about where we are now
to a place where just about everybody could get a job.
(In 1969, between waves of the Hong Kong flu
the Old Normal didn't give us "social distancing."
Instead it gave us Woodstock.)
Our air and water are cleaner than fifty years ago,
we debunked the connection between CO2 rise and warming,
and now, thanks to COVID-19,
we debunked the connection between human burning of fossil fuels
and CO2 rise.
The Old Normal had us building new factories
and restoring old factories here in the United States
and was restoring pride in our country.
Many of our social problems were receding as well.
20. I have one solution to offer.
Our left-wing friends are comfortable
invading our privacy using our cell phones
to track our movements,
supposedly to control the spread of disease.
Once we're willing to invade privacy that far,
why not use our spying technology to identify
all those who supported the lock-down
in email or social medium
and have specifically those people
be forced by soldiers with guns to pay for it.
Let's tax every pro-lock-down person $5000 per month
until five trillion dollars is raised
to help those harmed by the forced lock-down.
It's consistent with left-wing attitudes,
it's fair, and it's just.